Sunday 1 March 2015

Day 39

Sunday's have become our rest days. We chill out and don't really do a lot. We work Tuesday to Saturday have Sunday off and then Monday is our tourist day. We are nearly at the half way point and have settled into our routine now. 

Not having to get up for anything meant I could have a nice lay in. I did set an alarm though this morning, anybody that frequently reads this blog knows we've both over slept and woken up minutes before lunch, so with this in mind I decided to wake up a bit earlier today. I woke to find a note from Harry saying he was downstairs using the wifi, as poor as signal is here I'd like to have seen how he would have coped in say Uganda or Mozambique where there isn't much wifi or the signal is even weaker. We have been invited to go camping next month with Azille we'll see then how he gets on for a few days with no signal and nowhere to recharge his phone. We have got on really well so far in my opinion which has helped the last 6 weeks go quite quickly, I can't imagine being stuck with someone that I didn't get on with. There does seem to be 2 sides of Harry though and he can quickly switch between the 2, the Carl Pilkinton (from An Idiot Abroad tv show) to an excitable kid at Christmas.

After getting up having a shower and getting ready I made my way down to meet Harry, I had left myself an hour before lunch which was much better than the other week when I literally woke up and it was served up. A not so bad roast gammon lunch, it wasn't amazing but it was okay. I must admit I'm starting to really miss food from home, the food here can be really good or really poor it really is a gamble every day. That's not me being rude or ungrateful, everyone has there own tastes and some of the food here just isn't for me, sorry.

After lunch we waited around and watched both the Liverpool v Man City game, which was followed by the Arsenal v Everton game. Today was also the Capital One cup final but we had to give that a miss as tonight we went to watch Jason Mraz at the Grand West Casino. I'll admit I'm not his biggest fan and only know 1 or 2 of his songs but Harry wanted to go and had nobody else to go with so I agreed to go. Tickets were R375 which works out to be £18.75 depending on the exchange rate you use, the Rand is getting weaker and weaker so everything is getting cheaper for us but also means we will be losing out if we have to exchange any money back. 

Been a good day, Arsenal won, Spurs lost and the concert went really well, although I must admit I hardly new any of the songs. But Harry said he played all the good ones and he enjoyed it so a good way to end the weekend.

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