Sunday 8 March 2015

Day 46

Like I said yesterday today has been quite boring. In a good way. A nice lay in followed by lunch, a Skype home and football. Sunday's are definitely are recuperating day. We were going to go and watch the cycling through town but as it started at 7ish and the 1st person finished in just over an hour by the time we woke up it was near enough all over. Getting anywhere today would have been a nightmare with lots of roads closed off. We could have walked into town or the waterfront but by the time we had eaten got ready it was late afternoon and to be honest we were too lazy to do anything. Instead we decided a short walk down to Mixas to watch Liverpool in the FA cup would be the extent of our days activity.

Like I said before I do feel we should be being more touristy on a Sunday but after a week of work a day of nothingness is fine by me. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day anyway.

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