Monday 9 March 2015

Day 47

Today was the day we had booked our Cape Penisula tour for. We were picked up just after 1 and headed towards the waterfront to pick up the other people on the tour. We had Maxwell our tour guide, we had a couple from Madagascar, USA, we had a couple from Nigeria and a guy from Singapore and then Harry and myself.

We were told the normal route would be slightly disrupted as some of the roads were closed because of the fire. Oh well not a lot anybody could have done about that, fortunately the 2 places I wanted to visit were still easily accessible, Simons Town and Cape Point. After just over an hour on the road we arrived in Simons Town, here you find Boulders Beach which is where you find all the African Penguins walking around the beach. I'm pleased we didn't take a whoLd day to come visit this area as it didn't look like there was much there but I'm pleased we went. We only had half an hour here but we managed to take lots of photos and look at all the penguins. We then went back in the mini bus up to Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope. It's the most South Western point of the whole of the African continent. We were up in the mountains and up in the clouds. Great views of the mountains, Cape Town and you can see where the two currents meet each other. We went up to the lighthouse and had a look around. We then took a drive through the nature reserve where we saw ostrich and baboons just wondering around freely. Nice little drive and lots to see. We then headed down Chapman Peak Road which has been closed all week because of the fire, it was here we watched the sun setting over Cape Town and looked over Hout Bay, there really are some amazing views along that road.

We finished up with some photos and headed back, we were supposed to finish at 5:30 but Maxwell wanted to show us some extra sights and didn't get back till gone 7. Quick food and down to watch the Arsenal v Man U FA cup Semi Final. I'm writing this before the game as if we lose I definitely won't be in the mood to write a blog. I'll leave you with some photos of today.

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