Friday 20 March 2015

Day 58

After yesterday being so busy it was nice to have a lay in this morning. We had an early knock on the door from the cleaner. Luckily Harry answered and I rolled over back to sleep, thankfully I heard him say 'no he's sleeping' so she didn't do my room. When I eventually got up we went down for lunch, fish and chips, it was one of the better meals we have had which was good, until one of the last mouthfuls of fish where there were more bones than actual fish, which was a shame but can't blame the cook for that.

We headed to the learning centre  just after one. We didn't have much to do today so we spent an hour talking to Joe, Lourens and Robocop (Robocop is an old lady that still rides a motorbike, is signed up to a modelling agency and generally has more energy and life in her than most of the Berghof residents put together even though she is their age). I don't know why they call her Robocop but she says she'll bring in a newspaper that will explain all. I then sat down to right a little paragraph for Joe on our time here, he'd asked for it to be done so it can be sent off to be put in the work newsletter. 

We then had the Ruyterwacht girls training, after driving around for 10/15 minutes we found 3 girls that wanted to train, after a short kick about we called it a day. We were hoping to go to the game tonight with Theo, we said we would go anyway but it would be nice to go with him. Harry spoke to him earlier and apparently it's being played somewhere else, we can't get there ourselves and as I'm writing this we are waiting for a phone call from Theo to let us know if he's going. With just over an hour till kick off I'm guessing not which is a shame but who knows. 

Tomorrow we are again playing for Ruyterwacht against Woodstock B this week 12:45 kick off. Hopefully get a win, with time running out they need to win before we leave, we saw Woodstock B play last week and to be honest they weren't great, they are quite a physical team so hopefully the younger players have learnt their lessons from the last few weeks where they have let the physical players from the other team put them off their game.

We have also been invited to a jazz festival by Joe in the Company Garden, it should be good, not sure if we are going yet though.

Well I told you today's would be shorter, after the longest blog ever yesterday.

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