Monday 23 March 2015

Day 60

I'm really sorry but today's blog is going to be a bit boring. But like I've said before if I miss a day people worry. I will say though that you are probably better off reading Harry's blog.

By the time I woke up this morning Harry was nowhere to be seen. He had left at around 8 to go catch his ride to Hans bay. Today was the day he was going shark cage diving. It is supposed to be amazing over here and I'll get some of his photos and show you. With his GoPro camera it'll be as though I was there anyway. I would have loved to have gone, and I'm not making excuses but the Sharks were the least of my worries. Not many people know this but I have 2 real fears, some people fear spiders and snakes or other little creatures or even heights or flying, I fear being in small enclosed spaces, I'll annoy Tina by walking up 100s of stairs instead of taking a lift. Yes you may have seen me in a lift but notice how quiet I go and how still I stand. My second fear, it's not really a fear but I'm not a big fan of water, you'll never catch me holding my breath and swimming under water. So being stuck in a cage under water for 20minutes at a time minus the shark would be enough to get my heart racing. I'm actually gutted I'd love to do it as it is supposed to be an experience. I did consider just paying for it and going and then I'd have to face it, but at over a £100 it's very expensive if I then bottled it. Apparently the road trip was a nice 1 and Hans bay is a nice area but I think you needed to be on the trip to get the transfer and it was expensive again so I left Harry to it.

I spent my day tidying up, reading my book and watching football. Can't really compete with Harry's day can I. After sleeping on the sofa the night before I was pleased to have a lay in and catch up on some sleep. I was happy to just relax anyway. 

It's the first time me and Harry have spent much time apart this past 9 weeks which was nice. Not because we don't get on but because we spend every waking moment together the conversation has become a bit repetitive. So it was nice to do our own thing and then talk about it when we were back together. 

Ended the day back in Mixas surrounded by Man U and Liverpool fans, great atmosphere and good food.

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