Saturday 28 March 2015

Day 66

I'll quickly start with last night. We went round to Joe's had a really good evening playing games and talking to some of the guys from the local community and generally had a real good laugh. Joe then decided to bring out the karaoke, I don't do karaoke for 1 simple reason, I can't sing. Some of the girls and Vinolia were really good, and even Joe sang a bit. It was a nice chilled out end to the week.

Today, I was up early to check on the mountain, because today would be the day we were walking up table mountain. The last few mornings have been really cloudy and we were both already making other plans as to when we could do it. But to our surprise a nice clear day. Azille had offered to show us the way and she picked us up just after 9, unfortunately her husband couldn't make it as he was busy with work.

I found table mountain a lot easier to climb than lions head, it's basically steps the whole way up and quite simple. We finally made it up in around 90 minutes, great time I thought. When you get to the very top there's a shop selling food and drinks and other bits. I thought this was quite cool, you don't expect a shop at the top of a mountain. We got something to drink and headed across the top of the mountain for about 45minutes to the highest point. It was so calm and peaceful and I could have sat there for hours. It has some amazing views and it was worth every last drop of sweat and bit of pain walking up the mountain. We then headed back to find our way down we agreed to walk it and not get the cable car.

Whilst walking along quite a flat bit of the mountain I managed to trip and fall, twisting my ankle. Quite painful but luckily I had a strap in my bag to add support. I was determined to make it down by foot. The walk down felt like it took forever but was roughly the same length of time. Unfortunately my ankle gave way half way and it feels as though I may have sprained my ankle just what I need with 2 weeks left.

We made it down and back to the car, what an amazing experience. You really get a sense of achievement on completion, specially when you walk past everyone going up by cable car. Proud of myself today, was 1 of those moments that'll stay with me for a long time.

Back we came, bath and get ready. We were planning on going back to Yindees for food then onto Mixas but all depends on whether I can walk. 

Tomorrow is a lazy day which is nice, a whole day of nothing.

Thank you Azille for today, and thank you Cape Town for having a mountain with such an amazing view.

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