Wednesday 25 March 2015

Day 63

I'm going to quickly start today with a few photos that have been taken recently or I've just found. Also a chance for you to put faces to names.
From left to right Lena, Joe, Azile, Harry and myself 

Harry, Joe, Jayden, Vinolia and me

Jodi Yonick Harry and me again 

I'd also like to mention I've now had 1200 views on my blog!! I can't believe it, but I hope it's been a good read so far.

Onto today. Apparently summer over here is coming to an end and it'll be getting cooler, but today it wasn't far off 30 degrees and the weekend will be just as warm. These guys are worried about it dropping below 20, they don't know what a real winter is. 

This morning we quickly picked Joe up and headed to Silvertree crèche, 1 of our favourite places to visit. Again they were singing and dancing and even remembered our names. We taught them Arsenal chants this week which they enjoyed and then we went on with our movement game. I know you're thinking we do it far too much but it's important at this age, specially when they have difficulties understanding us to not confuse them with too many activities. The movement game is a great starter, they are learning and they are getting used to us at the same time. All was going well, until I sat down with the kids, I sat on what looked like some sort of ants nest, with little nippy ants and flying ants, they got everywhere and I've been biten to pieces and am still itchy now even after a shower. Oh well. The kids were great and the school gave us some cake which was really nice. We then finished up and headed back to the office.

We had 1 afternoon session today at Harold Cressey which is just around the corner from where we are staying. Joe didn't seem too positive about this school and even after phoning them up he didn't fill us with confidence. Over here it is exam time and the teacher had canceled last weeks session, this week we go along and 8 boys turned up. We understand that it's exam time but every school has the same issue and they make the most of the opportunity. Some of the boys mentioned they thought it was tomorrow and I got the impression and I think Joe did as well that maybe the school didn't really do enough to give the information to the kids. It's frustrating, you can do a session with 8 boys and we still did, but when you see guys like Wes Bank that are so excited and overly appreciative, or Mondale high that send there boys along on time and that want to learn, to be at a school where they didn't seem as interested and the boys didn't even really know we were coming is just disappointing. Obviously it's not the boys fault but I feel they didn't benefit as much as others might have, and because of that they are likely to miss out on this opportunity next time around. I'm not saying we are anything special but we come wearing the Arsenal badge and is a chance for schools to generate interest for their kids and they missed out on that today. But you can't fault their hospitality, lots of cool drink and food after for us and the boys which was appreciated.

Just a quick mention Harry's team won, it's now 5-3, less said about that the better.

We were going out tonight for food but after cakes at Silvertree, coming back to find we had been bought a steers burger (Harry had 2) at the learning centre and then having food at Harold Cressey we were full up. We may go out later but this heat has taken it out of me. Early start tomorrow for part 3 of our computer workshop, how to use the Internet, this is going to be interesting.

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