Sunday 15 March 2015

Day 53

Sunday's are always our lazy days, you need a day in the week where you do nothing.

Harry wanted to go out and get some data for his phone and I wanted to have a quick look for some souvenirs. We had decided we would go back to the waterfront as there are some very nice souvenir shops and also a Vodacom where Harry could get his data. Last night Joe had text to ask if we would like to come round to his for lunch, we thought it would be a nice idea and accepted. We quickly sorted some bits out got some souvenirs and headed to Joe's for about 1. We had 1 of the best Sunday meals we've had since we came out here so thank you to the Africa family for the invite. After lunch Yonick, Vinolia and Jodi went for a nap and left me, Joe, Harry and Jaydon to watch a film. Joe chose Schindler's list which is roughly a 3 hour film about the Second World War and how a man saved a large group of Jews by offering them work. We watched the whole film then headed home. 

Today is Mother's Day back home, so I'd like to wish my mum a happy Mother's Day. I hope she had a great day and liked her card and present. It's the 1st year I've not seen my mum on Mother's Day, whether I've been working or busy, I've always managed to get home and see her, so I feel bad that I'm not there today. But she knows that I'll make it up to her when I get home. 

With it being Mother's Day I skyped home, and then sat down for the evening. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. We are up and out early but hopefully it'll be worth it. Expect lots of photos and stories tomorrow.

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