Tuesday 10 March 2015

Day 48

Before I start today's blog property, I told you yesterday that it was Arsenal v Man U, FA cup quarter final, we won 2-1 we are heading back to Wembley, and it's the weekend after we get back so hopefully get a few tickets!!!

We've spoken a lot about going home lately, not because we have had enough of Cape Town but because home is in sight and the closer it gets the more we seem to miss it. In exactly 5 weeks 1 hour from when I sat here and wrote this we will be landing in Doha airport. As much as we miss home we want to make the most of our time here. We have now booked up or been on or at least planned and set aside a day for every touristy thing we had planned on doing. There's a few other places we would like to do but the places we couldn't leave without doing have been taken care of. 

On to today, we had 2 sessions at either end of the day, Riverton Crèche at 9 and the Wes Bank Club at 4. We started with the drive to Riverton, again we had about 12 kids, it's a very small crèche with only 2 classes, 1 is 3-4 year olds and then the class we take that our 5-6. We started off with our start-stop movement game, it generally lets us judge what mood the kids are in. The kids seemed to remember our songs from last week which was good to hear. We then moved onto relays which included dribbling the ball. I know we are football coaches but we like to get the kids moving and exploring movement and the feel of the ball rather than football drills, they seem to like the activities as well. We finished with the passing the ball around the circle game which we use as well, we then said our goodbyes, shouted Arsenal and gave high 5s and was out of there. It was our last session there and you could start to see that in 2 sessions they had started to get use to us. I really enjoy going to lots of different crèches and totally agree that we need to reach as many kids as possible, just wonder what progress we could make with an extra few sessions. 

We then went shopping with Joe for a few bits for our apartment then went to the learning centre. We sat around for about 4 hours with not much to, I know we are there to help people but if there's nobody in the centre or the people don't need help there's little to do, which is why I'm looking forward to the course we are doing on Thursday for the local people on using a computer. 

We left Ruyterwacht at around 3 to head for Wes Bank, last week we had about 40 kids and they had 1 ball. The coaches seem eager to learn so we decided we would put on a session that would be helpful to them. Even though we had balls and cones we used their equipment just so they can get an idea of some ideas of session, we decided there's no point putting on a session with 6 balls 20 cones if next week and in the future they don't have that equipment. We started with 14 boys, nice and easy, we ended up with 40+ boys, not so nice and easy. Harry took 1 group I took the other, we did a drill called change, basically you have 2 separate activities going on you shout change and the 2 groups switch. Usually it's quite a quick paced change over but we dragged it out a bit to show off some ideas. Harry worked with no football and played tag games, explaining how the movement in these games can be used in football. I had 1 football and did some passing and possession activities. We then ended with 4 teams, 1 on each side of a square, with a goal each. 2 teams opposite each other would come onto the pitch and play each other till 1 of them scored, they would then both go back to their goals and the other 2 teams played each other and so on. 40 kids 1 ball 2 matches 4 teams. It worked, slightly chaotic but in a good way, from the outside it looked a mess, from within it worked. After a few photos and questions we were off.

A quiet night planned after we both had very little sleep last night. Last sessions with Ysterplaat tomorrow and a return to De Waveren, our least favourite place since arriving here.

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