Tuesday 24 March 2015

Day 62

Today we were back at Greenlands crèche for our 2nd visit. Last week they were a bit all over the place, we had loud kids, we had quiet kids and we had disruptive kids. Quite challenging. Add in the fact that again the majority of kids either didn't understand our accents or English at all it wasn't our most successful crèche. However the 1st class are in the running for cutest group of kids. As they walked out every kid gave me a big hug and then Harry. Then when we were giving out high 5s at the end they wanted hugs instead. So nice and makes up for how difficult some of them were. We did the same with all 3 groups. The movement game followed by relays. Some got it really well and managed to dribble the ball, others struggled running backwards and forwards in a straight line. We had a bit of fun with these groups getting them to sing Arsenal chants and get them to stand like numbers. Just different things that are simple enough but that they can understand and concentrate on.

We then had a slow drive back to the learning centre, me and Harry aren't big cricket fans, but today we joined in with the country listening to the cricket World Cup semi final between South Africa and New Zealand. In a tense game South Africa lost with the 2nd from last ball. Like I said we aren't big fans of cricket but it would have been interesting to see the atmosphere on Sunday had they reached the final.

After stopping for lunch and sorting some bits for Azille we headed over to Mitchell's Plain. We were back at Mondale high. We were really impressed last week and decided we'd do the session we used at All Stars, quite difficult but we thought they'd get it, we also just wanted to go through it again and iron out a few issues we had with it. Unfortunately the Ajax boys and a few of the better players couldn't make training this week and we could have done with them to help the others. Another issue was they were all kitted out in navy blue and sky blue, difficult to distinguish between teams. We did a pressing drill followed by the transition drill. They did okay but bibs or different colours were needed. We learn from it and move on. Great group of boys, not bad footballers and alright equipment.they all wanted photos with us which was nice.

I'll definitely miss the photos with the older kids and hugs from the little 1s when I go home. Moments like that I'll keep with me. To these boys and girls we are probably the closest they will get to somebody from Arsenal and I hope we have had a positive impact. If you had told me this time last year I'd have 30 5 year old South African children giving me a giant group hug I'd have laughed it off. It's been a great experience for moments like those.

Tomorrow we are back at Silvertree crèche, 1 of our favourites followed by a new high school. It's an early start but I'm looking forward to it.

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