Wednesday 25 February 2015

Day 35

Today is exactly 5 weeks since we left and 7 until we arrive back home. Time is going really quickly at the moment and we are quickly approaching March, with lots planned we will be gone in no time at all.

Today we had an early start, we were supposed to meet Joe in Brooklyn but he was stuck in traffic, so after stopping for directions we head to the crèche on our own. Today was the turn of Ysterplaat, crèche and pre primary school. In total we had 3 sessions, the 3rd was in a different building around the corner. The first 2 sessions were with 4-5 year olds with just over 20 kids in each. We played traffic lights to start followed by relays. The first session went really well, the second wasn't as good but still the kids managed to pick up the activities and take part. These 2 groups were much quieter and very shy compared to all the other crèches but as always we had them shouting Arsenal and high 5ing throughout. We finished this crèche like every crèche we have with a sit in a circle ball rolling activity, like I've said before it calms the kids down but also provides them with skills and gives them chance to get a feel of the ball.

The final group were a lot more lively and we encourage it throughout, me and Harry have built up a good coaching relationship and we seem to work well together, when it comes to the crèches we definitely relax more and have a bit of fun with it which works really well. We've picked up little tricks and different techniques that we use to get the kids involved. We started with the movement activity where we give them a movement and then when I blow my whistle they have to run to a cone. It gets them moving in different ways and allows them to test what they can do. Definitely a favourite from some of the older kids in the crèches we've had. We then had them lined up in relays which they all did really well. Possibly one of the most advanced groups we've had which was great. We ended as always with lots of high 5s and shouts of Arsenal and also by accident found out they were easily impressed with our juggling skills. We'll remember that when going into the next crèche.

Our last session of the day was originally De Waveren school, the school we had problems with last week, however it had now been changed to Goodwood College. We were to meet Densel at the school, as from next week onwards he will be starting a football programme here. The plan was to coach from 1:45-2:45 and then the school bell would go and the school day would finish but any kid wanting to stay for an extra half hour could. We arrived to a large group of boys and girls sitting around, this was still school time so like a pe lesson, only half the kids had brought kit apparently half weren't told that their lesson would be taken by football coaches. Oh well we were to make do. We had around 50 boys and about 15 girls, with 5 balls. Densel took the girls 3 balls and the bibs and we took the boys 2 balls and no bibs. There wasn't much else we could do other than pick teams and play matches, 2 balls between 50 really isn't ideal and with limited space, kids with no kit and lack of equipment. It was their 1st week as well so we just said we wanted to have a look at them before we started coaching them. We ended up with a 12v12 game and a 8v9v9 game, about 20 minutes in the bell sounded earlier than expected and all the kids up and left, so it was a very short session and lucky we hadnt put on anything too difficult for them.

We rushed back to Berghof as we had both booked a haircut with the lady the comes in once a week to cut the residents hair. As you've seen from the photos our hair was getting far too long and out of control, Joe said he knew someone that cuts hair but apparently he had broken his hand, which is a shame, apparently he was really good and very cheap. We had been quoted quite a bit by a place just around the corner so after hearing that the lady only charges a maximum of R50 here at Berghof we booked ourselves in, it wasn't until she had finished we were told it would be costing R140, only £7 roughly but still more than expected. Oh well she did a good job and we are looking a lot better.

Tonight Arsenal play Monaco in the Champions League, going for a 2-0 Arsenal win, it should be comfortable but this is Arsenal after all. Joe has given us tomorrow morning off so a nice lay in before just 1 session tomorrow, quite an easy week so far, can't complain.

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