Monday 23 February 2015

Day 33

Today was our first Monday off since we arrived here in Cape Town. We planned to go get our hair cut, go for a run and then go to the beach. Unfortunately things didn't go quite to plan, firstly we were quoted a lot more for a hair cut than we had expected, it was roughly the same price as back home but after being told we could get it a lot cheaper we gave it a miss. We then cancelled the run as temperatures rose to over 30 degrees. Instead we got ourselves ready, our bags pack and off to the beach was the plan, we quickly stopped to check emails and messages and it was at that point we relieved a phone call. Apparently nobody was about tomorrow to take us to the crèche so we would need to go today to be shown where to go and meet the people in charge. A little bit disappointed we jumped in the car and left for Ruyterwacht. Half way through the drive we got another call saying don't worry they crèche has been cancelled don't come in, great, not what we wanted to hear. We decided that to make sure it wasn't a wasted journey we'd stop off at century city, which is like a big shopping mall to go get some lunch. Last time we were there we had an amazing milkshake from this little shop so we stopped off there again, we then went for food, I had a nice chip roll and Harry went for a Gatsby, these things need to make an appearance in London.

Harry had been going on for a while about seeing a concert while in Cape Town, he had seen that Jason Mraz was playing at the casino and tickets were cheap so we decided to cheer ourselves up we'd book the tickets from a place inside century city. Something to look forward to, I'm not a big Jason Mraz fan but Harry convinced me it would be well worth the £18 we were paying for the ticket. I might use this to convince Harry to come to a Stormers Rugby game with me, tickets are less than a fiver, he doesn't like rugby but I'd love to see a game before we leave. If not I might have to get 1 of the others to come, Joe if you're reading this I know the Stormers are your team or anyone else that wouldn't mind going let me know. 

From century city we head back, to be honest I didn't fancy the beach anymore, I've never been a beach person anyway, I have to be in the mood for it, Harry on the other hand was really up for it so I compromised, we went for a sunbathe by Sea Point. A nice area, no sand just grass and a nice view. We stayed there for a few hours cooking in the sun, I went for a walk about as Harry drifted off to sleep, wasn't really in the mood for sitting still in the sun. With Harry going red it was time to leave, after 32 days the ginger was showing signs of burning, (that's not a ginger joke, it's common knowledge that gingers have to be slightly more careful in the sun). We arrived back at Berghof and we decided we would go for a run to end our day, our longest run yet, things are improving finally.

We are starting to realise time is quickly going and have started to make plans, so a few blogs you might want to look out for:

Sunday 1st March - Jason Mraz concert 
Saturday 7th March - Hopefully going to the Stormers game
Monday 9th March - going on a tour of Cape Town, going to boulders beach (penguin beach)&Cape Point (nature reserve with animals walking about) to name a few places
Saturday 14th March - hiking up Table Mountain with Azille

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