Friday 6 February 2015

Day 16

Today we were woken by the cleaner so no lay in, oh well there's always tomorrow, hopefully. So we got up had some breakfast and had a visit from Anna, we view Anna as like 1 of the managers here but I'm not quite sure what her job role actually is, but I do know she is always busy and is the person to go to if you need something done. She wanted to discuss our lunch and if we wanted it in the dining room or not, apparently we went out yesterday without telling them we wanted lunch for dinner. Anyway we said we would have lunch downstairs in the dining, we then asked what was for lunch to which she replied fish cakes with a funny look on her face, we asked what the look was for and she simply said I like fish cakes, but nice ones and laughed. Harry and I looked at each other with the same disappointed look and after recent meals we were now not expecting a great lunch. 

However lunch wasn't bad and whether it was because we had low expectations but it was probably one of the better meals we have had here. After lunch we headed to the Communicare office to pick up some posters and then made the drive to Ruyterwacht to drop them off. With our only session of the day starting at 3 and with all the traffic we sat in yesterday we decided to leave with plenty of time. But to our surprise we made it into town to Ruyterwacht and then back into town in just over an hour, so we were very early for the Waterfront 5's session. On went the boots and we had a kick around on the pitch for a bit to kill some time. Harry and myself really enjoyed last weeks session and wasn't actually scheduled here today but after being asked to come in we rearranged what we had planned. My session went well and considering the majority spoke no English at all (my translator was in and out of the session) I chose my words carefully and managed to get my message across. We had a 45 minute session followed by 40 mins of quick games, it's difficult to do much with these guys when there's large numbers, limited equipment, small space and you speak different languages, but we gave it a go. Harry on the other hand had less luck, his group spoke even less English or chose not to understand English, we had a group the other day that were not very responsive to English but half way through we were told actually they understood every word were just choosing to be awkward. I had a part time translator that helped out a bit, Harry had no one. He then witnessed what we had been waiting for, a boy in boots with studs standing on a boy that had no shoes on foot. Blood everywhere apparently, pleased I didn't have to deal with that, after carrying him off the pitch Harry asked for a first aid kit, he was given one but was told 'we don't know how to use it' doctor Harry to the rescue, he managed to bandage it up and stop the bleeding but meant his pitch had been left for around 10-15 minutes. By the time he returned the group had become restless and were even more difficult to control. He managed to get them into matches, he also managed to get the ball kick at him at some pace just below the belt so not his best day ever but the games finished  and the session was over. We were handed a Gatsby for the second week, a thank you from the guys for doing the session, they are messy but so nice, a bit like a subway but bigger and with chips inside the roll. 

Another week over with and a weekend to ourselves, we've been invited to go and see Yonick play again but its also the North London derby tomorrow so it'll depend on timings and we need to go into town as well. Tonight we were going to go out but after Harry's disastrous afternoon of blood, pain and frustration we've opted to stay in and watch the first game of the 6 nations. Come on England!!!!

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