Wednesday 18 February 2015

Day 28

Another early start today, we are really getting into a routine now. We had a call from Lourens first thing asking if we could stop off on our way and pick up his phone from Goodwood, so we made our way in picked up his phone and made it to the learning centre for 9. We then set up for our first session of the day, Sunflower crèche, a nice sized group of 5/6 year olds. The group came in abit quiet so we made it our goal to get them running around to make loads of noise. The first activity was the movement game we used at Goodwood, they were slow to start but by the end were fully into it making all types of movements and finding the cones after the whistle. We then did the relay type races with a ball which again started slow but progressed well. We ended with the sitting down rolling game but with targets to aim for, it's a nice way to end, the kids enjoy it but it also allows them to cool down and calm down, which helps out the teacher a bit as well. We ended as we always do with shouts of Arsenal and lots of high fives.

We the went back to the learning centre, it was a quiet day and other than logging people on there wasn't much to do. Harry was asked to help a lady with her emails and I think he was getting slightly frustrated by the end. Growing up with computers you don't realise how difficult it can be for some people and the lady was very greatful for the help. After lunch we took a drive to Sunflower crèche to drop off some boxes, we were invited to walk around and have a look, the kids we had in the morning were fast asleep, we had obviously tired them out so nap they were happy to get their afternoon nap. The crèche was tiny, very cramped and with no real space to run around, it now makes sense why they're all so shy when we first ask them to run around. As we were leaving the principle said that the kids love our sessions and she's had loads of parents tell her that their kid came home last week and all they went on about was us, so that's nice to hear. After sunflower we took a drive to De Waveren Primary School, we would be there in about an hours time but Joe wanted us to have a quick look. We met the sports coach and he told us that he had 25 kids for us from 10 years old to 13 years old, but there could be more. 

We returned shortly and walked to the field there were kids everywhere, surely they weren't all here to be coached were they? We said our hellos and the coach showed us the 8 balls and 4 cones he had for us to use and then he called the boys over, all 64 of them. So with 40 kids more than expected this was going to be a hard session specially with lack of equipment. We were determined not to take the easy way out and just play matches we wanted to put on a session. We started by  putting the boys into 8 groups of 8 with 1 ball per group and a simple pass and move activity. By the time the groups had found space another group of boys turned up. With lots of kids and only the 2 of us the kids were easily distracted and as soon as we moved from group to group they started doing their own thing. Very frustrating session, we then started splitting the groups into 2teams and started abit of keep ball. We found that every group now had a 5 v 5, 16 different teams 80kids, some tried to make goals and do their own things still which led to mass confusion as everyone then copied the group next to them that weren't doing the right thing. A very unproductive session and I walked away very unhappy with what had happened. We are going to have to sit down and rethink next weeks session we really don't want to take the easy way out but it may just have to be games, maybe taking team by team away and spending some time do something with them. 

We made our way home absolutely shattered it had taken a lot out of us and with it heating up this week it's been a struggle. Dinner was poor tonight, sorry Berghof don't mean to be rude but it wasn't great. 

Tomorrow we have been invited on the StaffOuting we are going on the red tourist busses like we have back home, visiting lots of places and answering questions and doing activities, it's supposed to be a fun team building trip with over 60 people so we're looking forward to that. Will take lots of photos and act like a tourist. 

Our 80 kids on the field.

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