Monday 16 February 2015

Day 26

Not much to say from today but trying to keep this going daily as long as possible.

Spent the whole day sitting around the learning centre. It was a good opportunity to use the computers and catch up on a few things Harry and I needed to do. We uploaded some photos for Joe, helped set up some nets ready for Saturday's tournament and helped a few people with computer work. We ended the day with a quick trip with Joe to Drommedaris and a stop off at the Brooklyn office. Here we met up with Conan, he is leaving the company at the end of the month, he feels he can do more elsewhere. He has told us though to pass on his number to future Arsenal Coaches visiting Cape Town as he loves the club so much. So if you're reading this just ask for his number, he'll help you out and will talk Arsenal 24/7. 

Going to finish today's blog with a few photos we found from last Thursday and Friday.

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