Wednesday 11 February 2015

Day 21

Today marks 3 weeks since we left London, for us it has flown by. We are now settled in nicely and getting used to Cape Town life. Cape Town gets some bad press, and since we have been here we've heard stories and see some things that hasn't changed my opinion of the place, there is the feeling that you are only a wrong turn away from trouble. I don't want people back home to worry but it's how we see it, and to those living here that are reading this I don't think that you'll argue with that comment. However there are some really nice areas and the majority of people we have come across have been nothing but friendly and welcoming. Harry and I have both said that there is that slight worry when you go out but we both agree that are biggest concern is the taxi drivers and not the dodgy people walking about.

Onto today, first up was a new crèche for us, our third crèche. The were a mixed ability group and started off really shy but a quick game of traffic lights soon livened things up. We then tried out our relay races, we've had mixed results with these but it's so easy to increase or reduce the difficulty we have used it in all crèches now. The majority of the group understood and took part but Harry was concerned that some of the group weren't getting it at all and it'd be unfair to continue, we'll go back to it at a later date. We then had the group sitting in a circle rolling balls to each other, a simple activity but the kids enjoy it and the more balls that are added in the more skills they have to use. We both said after that the guys that trained us probably wouldn't be too happy with it but we have improvised and created something simple, enjoyable and also something productive. We ended the activity by placing balls on cones within the circle and they would have to knock the balls off. The more they knocked off the more they would have to knock the rest off with. I then go around the group collecting all the balls, except for 1, I pretend I don't see it and the kids are screaming to get me to get it, it's a bit of fun and Harry and I find it quite funny and so do the kids. After lots of high fives and shouts of Arsenal the session is over we wave goodbye and the walk out. Good session,not the best ability but I enjoyed that session.

We were then invited to watch a presentation from a company trying to get more football into local schools. The man running the organisation had previously done Joe and Communicare a big favour so Joe wanted the 3 of us to return the favour and show support to him. There were teachers and sports coaches from the local schools in the room, and the ideas being thrown around sounded really good, and we really hope he gets the support he was looking for and that we helped a little bit hopefully. Are only issue was that he was offering a lot and had a lot of ideas but kept saying "I can't promise this will happen". It was a shame as he had good ideas, but I'd have my doubts if I was one of the teachers, sorry, I know we we're there support but I'm being honest.

Onto our last job of the day, last week we went to Drommedaris and we taught the kids how to wash their hands, this week it was a class on blowing your nose. Something that you and I do naturally but something these kids don't know about. We had a nice chat with the kids and gave them a quick lesson and then we handed them some colouring in to do that  Azille had printed out for them, it was based on Valentine's Day. I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day and luckily Tina agrees with me but the kids liked the idea and they were telling us all about their boyfriends and girlfriends, these kids ranged from 8-12, 1 boy apparently had 5 valentines for Saturday. Harry on the other is into celebrating the day and I wonder if I'll be able to drag him away from his phone and girlfriend on Saturday, apparently his card is in the post and he is awaiting its arrival. Everyone here is shocked we're not out chasing girls every night as the 2 guys last year were always out apparently, but we are both happily in relationships and hoping to keep it like that. 

I know you shouldn't have favourites but it's difficult when you come across 2 kids that are just adorable, I'll put some pictures up at the end but we both agree they are our favourites so far and they both were sad when we left so that just added to it.

After we drove home we went for a short run and then it was time for what Harry had been waiting weeks for, we went for an Indian. He finally got his chicken korma, really nice food, giant portions and reasonably priced. Harry's happy now so that's good. Anyway off to watch some football, a busy day again tomorrow and an early start.

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