Thursday 5 February 2015

Day 15 week 3 5th February

So we have now been in Cape Town for 2 whole weeks. The tan is coming along nicely, the homesickness has started and we are slowly making the transition from tourist to local. We are planning on going full tourist this weekend and go and check out what Cape Town has to offer.

Today we had a new crèche, Maya crèche, so we were up early and out door. We made our way to the learning centre as we would be using the hall as the crèche was only around the corner and they didn't have enough space. They turned up just after 9, only the 1 group but we had them for about an hour. Me and Harry said we would stick with the session we did at Goodwood as it had been successful there, the traffic lights, followed by relay session. It went really well and we even had the class teacher and 1 of the parents taking part, at this age it's all about fun and getting the kids moving and use to a ball. I think that it's best to give little coaching and let them work out for themselves how the ball moves, how's best to kick it or hold it. When they get a little older step in and coach the session but for now stick to fun and giving them time to experiment. After lots of shouts of Arsenal and even more high 5s (kids love high 5s out here) it was time for them to go. Just enough time for the parent who came to help to ask for a quick selfie. Don't think I'll ever get used to people wanting pictures with us.

We had a few hours until our next session so I got on the computer and designed a poster for the Ruyterwacht football tournament in 2 weeks time. It's the official opening of the Ruyterwacht circle, it should be a really good event and will be good to be apart of. We then had some lunch and followed Joe to a local school, it was his kids school and his sons team. After a while everyone slowly made their way over and we ended up with about 20 boys. This was our first proper football session and we chose to go for a possession, quick passing type session. Firstly they were in teams and each team had a ball and had to pass the ball in their teams within an area, we then took out 2 balls and made it into 2 5v5 passing possession games. Some of the boys had really quick feet and the passes were moving around nicely. We then moved it into an end zone type game, 2 teams in the middle with 2 on the outside, the objective was to get the ball to the end zone with a pass and then the other team would leave the area and another would come on. I tried this back in London and after about 15/20 minutes of explaining and re explaining, walking it through and even writing it down gave up as they just couldn't get it, these boys today got it first time and and played some good football. We finished off with a game, no keepers but a small cone goal that the ball had to be passed through. With a lack of bibs and struggling to make teams based on shirt colour the boys opted for skins v shirts, not something I'd advise doing back in London schools but things are slightly different out here. After the game we again posed for photos which I'll try and get off of Joe to show you.

On our way home we gave Yonick a lift to football training, he has now gone back to his old team, hopefully he'll get some more game time with them. Traffic was awful and took forever, if you're reading this from anywhere but Cape Town I'll quickly ( I say quickly but could write a whole blog on Cape Town driving) tell you about local drivers. Firstly Taxi drivers, they are the worst drivers you will ever come across, ever, anywhere you go, they constantly beep their horn to attract custom, they make up their own rules, they speed, they cut you up, if there's a big enough gap they will create their own lane, they just come to a stop in the middle of a road, they are a nightmare. I don't know how I wasn't in an accident yesterday, a taxi (they are mini buses rather than cars) decided he wanted to be in the same lane as me so literally pulled over, doing about 60mph down a road that was like an A road back home, but didn't cut me up, he wanted to go into the side of me, I swerved, the car by the side of me had to swerve and the taxi then pulled back into his own lane and went off in a different direction. Other drivers stop where they like, aren't to bothered about red lights and generally ignore the left/right only lanes and just use it to cut you up. Anyway I'll stop moaning but honestly it's a nightmare.

We eventually made it home and have been given tomorrow morning off so a nice lay in will be good, need to catch up on some sleep.

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