Sunday 8 February 2015

Day 18

So today was another day off, we had planned a trip to the much talked about Camps Bay. Apparently it is 1 of the nicest beaches in the whole of Cape Town, we were told by everyone to go sit by the beach get some nice food, drink some beers, look at the beautiful surroundings and everyone keeps telling us it's where all the girls go, for obvious reasons, we had no interest in looking at the girls, we both have girlfriends waiting for us at home. But for anyone that is reading this and thinking of coming out here it may be useful information. 

Anyway, we both had a nice lay in this morning, we both woke up early and decided it was was too early and had a few extra hours. As I've previously said lunch here on a Sunday is at 12, so waking up at half 11 meant it was Sunday roast for breakfast, something I don't think I'll ever get used to. Lunch today was quite nice, it was roast beef, which Harry and I had been looking forward to, it wasn't until today we realised that beef had been on the menu near enough all week, hopefully not the same bit re heated. After lunch I tried to Skype home but the wifi wasn't working too well, it did work long enough though for Anna, from Berghof, to come over and tell my mum she had been looking after us. We get on really well with the majority of staff here they are so friendly and are making us feel really welcome and it was a nice for Anna to take 2 minutes to say hi to my mum. I think that the staff here enjoy us being here, not being rude but it must make a change to have to young guys walking about chatting and laughing with them, so quick thank you to all at Berghof but I think Harry will agree, a special mention to Anna, Elizabeth and Rosie.

I gave up with the skyping and we set off for Camps Bay, this would be our first day actually in the sun with the intention of catching some rays and losing the pale tourist look. Just to let you know if you didn't already, Harry is ginger and I'm naturally quite pale, what could possibly go wrong? Everyone has been worried about us burning but we've managed to get this far, somehow. On a Sunday the bus comes every hourish so we decided to walk, both of us are quite impatient, what we didn't know was the the route we chose was uphill most of the way. We managed to find a bus stop which said there'd be a bus in about 5 minutes so we gave up on the walk and we jumped on a bus. A short 10 minute drive and we had arrived, and they weren't wrong, beautiful views of sand and sea and a  row of bars and restaurants.

We decided that it'd be rude not to go and take a seat in there sand, there were sun loungers everywhere to hire out but after seeing 2 men standing by 2 different stacks and arguing over who was going to get the custom we decided to give it a miss and just sit in the sun. Nice sandy beach no stones or pebbles or messy rubbish, I'm not normally a sitting on the beach person (I get bored far too easily) but even I couldn't resist laying back and taking in the sea air and the peaceful environment. Even the countless people trying to sell various items, sunglasses, drinks, paintings etc couldn't ruin my mood. You get lots of people trying to sell you things or begging in Cape Town but these people weren't going around bothering people for money or annoying them or pestering them, they were actually really friendly, my favourite of the day was a man selling various cool drinks, he was really happy and was making up rhymes like "have an ice lolly it'll make you jolly" I know small things impress me. After a few hours and a burning feeling beginning we headed for food, we started off at some upmarket cocktail bar, I forgot to mention this is 1of the nicer, well off areas, full of tourists like us abusing the exchange rate. This bar was really nice but after walking in I felt slightly awkward standing at a bar smelling of sand and sun cream whilst everyone else had made a bit more of and effort. So we moved on to a place called Ocean Basket, it seems to be like a chain restaurant and had been recommended to me previously. As the name suggests it sold all types of fishy meals, I had my mind set on fish and chips, after all we were by the seaside, but all the dishes looked great. We finished our food which was really nice and took the short walk to the bus stop to make our way back.

Had a really chilled, relaxing day which after a few down days has lifted my spirits and I think Harry's as well. Definitely what we needed and we hardly got burnt, just little patches that had been missed by the sun cream. Great weekend and now a busy week to look forward to, I'll keep you updated. Sorry this is becoming more of a diary entry every day than a blog full of info but I hope anyone reading is enjoying and I hope that it helps my family and Tina know that I'm safe and that I'm ok. Speak to you tomorrow.

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