Monday 13 April 2015

Day 82

This is it. The end of the African adventure. The final goodbye. The final blog (unless I do an I'm home blog but that's unlikely).

Today we said our goodbyes. To everyone at the support office, mainly Danielle and Wasima who we have spent time with these past 3 months. We then said goodbye to the football girls of Ruyterwacht, to Densel and finally the Africa family.

We also had time to fit in a trip to the Ajax Cape Town training ground which was nice.

We went out for food with Densel, Joe and Yonick to a place called Ashley's where Densel bought us a goodbye meal. Luckily they had a generator working as the rest of the street was in darkness. 

We then headed to the Africa house where we said possibly our most difficult goodbyes. Yonick, Jodi, Jayden, Vinolia and Joe, we're going to miss you guys and we can't tell you how greatful we are for everything you've done for us. We hope you've enjoyed having us here. 1 day we will see you again.

It now feels real. Sorry it's not much of a blog tonight. But it's been a long day, it's late and we've got a busy day tomorrow. It's been 3 months I'll never forget, it's definitely been an experience. I am going to miss it but Londons calling. 

I'm coming home.

And in the words of Mr Joe Africa.....

That's a wrap we outta here.....

Sunday 12 April 2015

Day 81

So this is my penultimate blog from South Africa. I'm coming home. Tomorrow is our last full day in sunny Cape Town. It feels weird, today I started my packing and my room is looking empty. I'm looking forward to going home but with tomorrow being our last day I'm starting to think about what and who I'll miss.

Today I had a nice lay in. We had nothing to get up early for. We woke up got ready and the plan was to drive down to the Italian club and say goodbye to Selwyn. Unfortunately he wasn't there he phoned us later in the day to say we must have just missed each other as he was there not long after us. Oh well. We then headed to Somerset West, and more importantly to Cheetah Outreach. We had first heard about cheetah outreach when Lourens mentioned taking us there, plans were changed and we never got around to doing it. Until today. You can pay R5 to go in and walk about or you can pay R130 to go into the actual cheetah enclosure, roughly £6. Of course we wanted to get in there and at that price why not. We walked up to the place where the cheetah encounter was taking place. We were told the dos and donts and slowly made our way into the encounter. It was only a short chat and a stroke but at that price you can't complain. The cheetah was dozing off but apparently they can sleep up to 18hours a day, and if i was laying in the sun all day with people stroking my back is probably be quite sleepy too.

After the encounter we got lunch and headed to Berghof. We watched the Chelsea game before heading out and watching the Manchester derby. While we were out Joe invited us round to his. So straight after the game we jumped in the car and off we went. Tea, cake and a good film, a nice way to end 1 of our last nights here. With most of the Africa family asleep it was time to call it a night.

Tomorrow we are saying the rest of our goodbyes and then going to the Ajax Cape Town training ground. It'll definitely be a day of mixed emotions but the countdown is on and we will soon have less than 24hours until we leave.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Day 80

I'm going to keep it short today. 
Azille had invited us to go wine tasting with her, her husband Ernie and their friends. It cost R40 for wine tasting and biltong which is about £2. We had 5 different wines and 3 different types of biltong. It was really nice and the sun was shining. We then went off to another wine farm and paid R20 for 6 different tastings. Again very nice, I don't really drink wine back home, Tina's not a big fan and I know if I open a bottle I'd probably end up finishing it. It was really relaxed and chilled out and we had a good laugh. Specially as the alcohol flowed, they even laughed at some of my jokes and nobody laughs at my jokes. We bought some wine and headed off to our 3rd wine farm. The tasting had finished here by the time we had got there so we sat down and had food. It was the same place Azille and her husband got married. Azille then invited us back to hers, off we went with full stomachs and slightly more tipsy compared to when we started. We picked up some beers and bits then headed back to Azilles, Harry helped prepare a stew type meal, called a potjie. You put meat, we had springbok, potatoes and some veg in an iron pot and then put it over a fire. It took quite a while to do but we were being entertained by the dogs. Azille has 2 and her friend had 3, all very lively and wanting cuddles and fuss. Supper was finished and it tasted really good, it's a traditional South African dish apparently. We have had South African potjie, wine, biltong and brandy and sat in a bakkie today. So a very South African day.

So dankie Azille today was lekker. 

Friday 10 April 2015

Day 79

Today was our last day of work. We were up early to see black clouds and rain on the window. Not a good start. We headed down to Somerset West where we were going to coach the De Beers boys again. We were supposed to have 3 groups but because it was school holidays and some of the kids had gone away on holiday so they had 2 groups instead. The first group had under 7s/8s/9s the second had under 10s/11s/12s. Before I get onto the coaching, if you are a frequent reader you'll be aware of mine and Harry's ongoing bet of who can win the most games. We went into today level at 5-5 and had decided that with 3 games there had to be an outright winner, now there were only 2 games we decided we'd have an aggregate score as this would have more chance of getting a winner, 2 legs, no away goals.

Onto the coaching. The younger 1s were up first. We had a quick warm up followed by a line tag game, and then a pairs tag. We then tried out domes and dishes which worked quite well, with and without a football. The session went so quickly and it was onto the game, I hate not being in control and having the result of a 12 week bet in the hands of 7 year olds left me nervous. We picked teams and then using 2 cones I let Harry decide who had which team. It was a nervy game and Harry's team were dominant. The main problem with these age groups is it doesn't matter how hard you work on positioning they will follow the ball and you are left with a big crowd with the ball in the middle. Thanks to my man of the match defender and our goalkeeper this tense 1st leg ended 0-0. 

We then had the older group we started off with a skills corridor which ended up taking up the majority of the session. We started where they could dribble anywhere impressing us with different skills. We then had them lined up going through the corridor doing different tasks. We ended with me and Harry passing a ball through the corridor and they would have to keep their head up and avoid the ball as well as each other. We had about 19 kids and decided we'd end the bet as a draw and instead play a 3 team speedball. But their coach said that we could use the bigger pitch and play 9 a side, it was as if he knew. So the 2 teams were set up, 1 team had an extra player and an under 13 so we both were hoping to draw that team. Again I let Harry pick using cones, he got the team with the extra player. I had led by 3 wins, but now going into the final decider with the scores 0-0 Harry had the upper hand. I gave my last team talk and found out I had 2 keepers, 1 defender, 1 midfielder and 5 strikers. This was going to be a challenge. I went all out, played an attacking formation and went for the win, I had the odds stacked against me and if I were to lose I was going to go out fighting. The first few minutes passed and Harry's team were using the extra man and had a few good chances. But out of nowhere my attacking players broke away and forced a corner, from that corner we scored from an own goal!!! 1-0. I wanted to celebrate but kept my cool and kept professional as we always do. Harry's team kept pressing for the equaliser but every time they lost the ball my team were so quick to break away. And they were finally rewarded with a second. 2-0, with 3 minutes to play, surely it was all over. Harry's team still had 2 or 3 good chances but the game ended 2-0. I was victorious. But to be honest i probably had 3 of the best players on the pitch on my team and Harry's teams seemed scared of 1 particular striker that apparently plays in the age group above. It's nice to beat Harry but well done to the boys great session and a pleasure to coach.

After training 1 of the guys, Charles that works at the club offered to take us out for lunch, we were going to eat at their clubhouse but it was closed so he offered to take us to a nice little brewery close by. They sold lots of local beers all with weird names. Charles recommend a few but then offered to get us a tasting tray. I'll put a photo at the end but you get 4 mini glasses and can choose what beers you want to try. They were all quite different and actually really nice, all were brewed locally as well which was nice. He also treated us to some food, we sat and chatted for a while and it was a shame we had to head off as he was a really nice guy to chat with. But we had our last 'Arsenal Activity' of our trip to get too and not only did we not want to be late but didn't want to go smelling of beer. Just a quick reminder Martin 6-5 Harry.

This afternoon Joe had organised a trip to the RedCross children's hospital, it's the only child specific hospital in Southern Africa. Harry had asked for this trip, he had an accident as a child which left him burnt and scarred. He wanted to visit the children's burns ward as he wanted to see it for himself but also knew what it meant to the kids. Azille came along and so did Joe, we went around and saw lots of kids as young as 2 covered in burns and scars. It was a sad sight to see and I couldn't imagine how it feels for them or their parents. Some of the kids were quite shy but others were happily moving about which was nice to see. The hospital are doing a great job and the staff were so nice. We handed out sweets and chocolates which I hope the children enjoy. I'll be honest I did have to take a step away at 1 point and I felt bad for doing it but it was heartbreaking to think what these guys have been through and not only that but what is still to come. I hope we made even the slightest difference to their day. 

We had to leave quite quickly as it was a last minute trip and they didn't have time to let us speak to more kids which was a shame but we left sweets and chocolate eggs for them.

It's been an interesting day, lots of different emotions and weather in 1 day, the rain has now cleared and it is now sunny and warm again. Not sure what the plan for tonight is but tomorrow we are off out with Azille and friends which will be nice. Works over. No more coaching. And incase you missed it I beat Harry 6-5. Sorry I'm a bad winner but I'm sure Harry would have been exactly the same.

My team on the back row. Final score 2-0. Martin 6-5 Harry

Thursday 9 April 2015

Day 78 week 12 9th April

It's starting to feel like home time. We've sorted our seats on the plane, we've said some goodbyes and I've started some packing. Only 4 full days to go. Today Harry also found out his next placement, he's off to Singapore for just under a month. As much as I've enjoyed my experience out here it's time to be home. Maybe 1 day I'll go abroad and work but for now I want to be in a country I know. 1 of the main things I've experienced out here is community spirit and the importance of helping out those around you, which is why as appealing another trip would be, I want to go home and work on those around me. But well done to Harry and good luck to Dan, I'm joking obviously I know you 2 are going to have lots of fun, and it's Singapore that needs all the luck I don't think they will quite be ready for these 2.

We started off today with our final computer workshop, only 4 people turned up. Today was how to use email and setting up an address for those that didn't have one. 3 out of the 4 already had an email address and 2 out of the 4 already use and understand how to use emails. Fair to say it was a very short class and we dragged it out as best we could. I've lost count at how many emails I've sent and received today.

With that over we went to Diep River, we visited around 2 months ago and the older tenants were so funny and so much fun we've been bugging Joe for a return. It's a complex, so lots of houses and apartments fenced in with security all around. It's supposed to be for anyone but the majority of its residents are retired. But nothing like those at Berghof. We had a real laugh and they even got us cool drink and cake, it was really nice. They even prayed for us to have a safe journey home which was nice, as I've mentioned before I'm not overly religious but you don't have to be to appreciate what they did. We were then challenged to a game of pool, me and Harry vs Joe and one of the older men, safe to say we underestimated the man and nearly lost. But I make that England 2 (pool and cricket vs Yonick, Jayden and Jodi) South Africa 0. We then said our goodbyes and got loads of hugs off the old ladies, they even have a photo on the wall of us from our last visit which they showed us on our way out. That was it for the day, 1 working day to go. It was weird saying goodbye because every day we say another goodbye the reality of going home gets more and more real. It's sad to say goodbye but I can't wait to get home.

We then headed to the learning centre where we had a little chat with Lena and Azille, I think they're going to miss us, well they'll miss the noise at least. We then went to pick up Jodi and went out to watch Fast and Furious 7, great film, sad ending, that's all I'm going to say. 

Tomorrow we coach for the very last time, 3 different sessions with kids ranging from 6-12. It's an early start so that's me done for today. Not many more blogs to be read.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Day 77

Today we started with a trip to Drommedaris, we did the same Easter activities as yesterday. The kids were very hyperactive and were quite difficult but we got through it. 

I then dropped Harry off to get his hair cut and Joe back at the office before returning to Berghof. After a quick stop off we left to go back to Drommedaris to coach the boys and girls football teams. It took forever for us to get through the traffic so we ended up being about half an hour late so we just went straight into a boys vs girls game. The boys won comfortably but the girls have it a good go.

This evening me and Harry took Joe and Vinolia out for dinner. We wanted to take them out to say thank you for everything they've done fore us. I think they thought we were joking but we are actually really greatful and we will miss the whole of the Africa family. We went to a place about 10-15 minutes drive from Ruyterwacht, Joe had chosen a seafood and sushi restaurant that also sold lots of Chinese food. I ordered duck and chow mein, forgetting portion sizes out here are much bigger than back home they both came out on a large plate and could easily have fed 3 people. I managed to eat my way through a lot of it but thankfully Harry was there to help out and finish off mine and also Joe's food. I honestly think he has worms I don't know where he puts it all. Joe and Vinolia both had a fishy, prawn dish that looked nice. We finished with coffee and hot chocolate and made our way back. It was really nice to take them out and to a nice restaurant. 

That's another day over with. And in less than a week we will be home. Crazy how quickly these past 11 weeks have gone. We started our goodbyes today and we have loads of people to visit over the next few days. The hardest goodbye will probably be the Africa family on the Monday night as they have been amazing to us, they are talking about visiting London so hopefully a reunion 1 day.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Day 76

So we started our final working week today. It's a really chilled out week by the looks of our schedule which on 1 hand is nice but on the other means we have lots of free time which will make the week go slower.

Today we went to Bothasig to do the Easter activities Azille had planned for them. Colouring, painting and games just like the other day. These kids were slightly older and not as well behaved which was a shame. My first group I managed to make 1 boy cry by asking him to do a bunny hop. I asked the group if they knew how to do a bunny hop he said he did, I asked him to show the group, he then got upset. We then moved onto some ball games including a under/over type game. Second group played handball and the third played dodgeball. Joe then decided to send everyone out and we had a giant game of dodgeball. Some of the seniors came out to complain, they were worried their cars and property would get damaged. These kids were having fun in an organised activity and wasn't causing any problems to anyone, it's a shame the seniors found a negative in such a positive situation. It's the same anywhere if the elderly encourage the young 1s then the kids will respect the seniors, if the seniors complain and moan then the kids are going to act up. Bit of a shame really.

After we handed out some sweets and chocolate and headed back. Joe said that was us done for the day and all we had left to do was go into town and pay for the Ruyterwacht girls kit. Which was on our way. We were planning on going out but to be honest I've felt rough all day, don't know what's wrong but been feeling quite ill, hopefully it'll just pass. Food, bath and a nap helped but still didn't feel right so we stayed in. It's a shame as we had a lot of free time. Late start tomorrow, same again but at Drommedaris. We finish tomorrow with Drommedaris girls team, Adnan and his 2 teams are coming to see us and say goodbye, it's a nice to think they appreciated us that much that they want to come and say goodbye. Definitely 1 of our favourite teams to coach.

Thursday - Computer class followed by a trip to see the seniors at Deep River hopefully.
Friday - De Beers Soccer clinic followed by cheetah farm.
Saturday- Wine tasting with Azille.
Sunday - Packing and preparing to go.
Monday - Goodbyes and Ajax Cape Town training ground visit.
Tuesday - Picked up by Joe and off to the airport.

Monday 6 April 2015

Day 75

Day 75 of 82 1/2. 

After 3 early starts and late finishes today was are rest day. Had a nice lay in, Harry even woke me up with a cup of tea. Last night I suggested to Harry that he should try and get into the kitchen downstairs today as it was Anna working the kitchen. He ran downstairs and then came bursting through the door with a big smile as she had said yes. Everyone back at Arsenal had heard of Harry's family dish 'Tuna Fish Crunch' and we had all laughed at how awful it sounded. He had said he would make it for whoever he went away with and I was that lucky person. He had tried to do it for a few weeks but for 1 reason or another he couldn't. So today was the day....

Ingredients include:
Sweet corn
Curry powder

He had finally finished and he handed me his trademark dish. I was scared. I didn't know what to expect. 
Marks out of 5
Sound of the dish: 0.5
Presentation: 0.5
Taste: 2
Effort: 5
It wasn't that bad in all honesty, and I give him credit for trying but for me there were far too many tastes on 1 plate. I've taken a photo and you can see what you think.

After eating we decided to go souvenir shopping. Harry had seen what he wanted he just needed to go buy it. We headed to the waterfront for the last time. The waterfront is an expensive area and is full of tourists but there's a nice undercover market style place where you can get loads of handmade stuff. I managed to get a few bits and pieces as well. I won't say what as those people reading are probably the people that are getting it. After a few hours walking round we finished up and headed back to Berghof. We decided to give the 1 hour wait for a bus a miss and walk back, it's only 5km. 

The only problem about walking is the quickest route is through Long Street, the long street that goes all the way through town full of bars and restaurants. Nice places and always lively but usually full of tourists, meaning you are constantly harassed for money and you spend most of the time looking over your shoulder. It's a shame as it's probably the main reason I wouldn't return to Cape Town, you do feel sorry for some of the people on the streets and I'm not heartless but it does make you feel slightly uncomfortable. And you are followed down the road by some of them until they get bored of you saying no and see someone else. You are constantly told by the locals not to give money and fund drug/alcohol habits. I gave away a couple of mouthfuls of coke today just to get rid of 1 persistent guy that didn't seem to care that he was walking down the road flashing everyone as the elastic in his trousers had gone. The street kids you have to be careful of as well as there's usually a few of them together down this particular road and you hear stories of them pick pocketing. You also find the scammers on this road, if anyone says you're wearing nice trainers and goes for a handshake the other hand had will probably be reaching for your pocket. We've seen that happen and apparently it's a common occurrence. 

Me and Harry spent the walk home discussing our time here and we said we don't want the likes of the scenes I've just described to over shadow all our good memories here. On the whole we've had great long lasting memories and it's been an amazing experience. It's a beautiful country with some of the nicest people you will ever meet. But something needs to be done to help this country clean up its streets. It's a continual cycle, if the country is more inviting then people will want to return, they spend more, the economy is boosted, the people become wealthier, less people on the streets, more people want to return and so on and so on. Who can tell I did Economics? but it's also common sense. I've avoided the subject for a while as not wanting to worry anyone back home.

Tonight we plan to watch the football with a few hot cross buns and a cool drink. Nice and relaxed as we are up early tomorrow as we need to get a train to work because of our car.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Day 74

Our busy few days continued. I can't wait for a lay in tomorrow. We were up and out early as we had to return Densels car to him and then go and meet Joe at church. We got round to Densels early and waited around with him and the kids while they got ready, he then drove us to his church. I'll be honest I haven't  been to a church in years, i have no problem with what people do and do not believe in, but for me I've never really found religion. But I went along for the experience and it definitely was an experience. Joe's church is not your normal church, very lively, very active and packed out with people. It was Easter Sunday so it was quite a big day and people from the church put on a big performance, I was expecting the Easter story but it was more a performance of the troubles the youths in the local area and how they can find themselves on the wrong track. Not a bad performance and a nice service, you can see they are definitely trying to reach out to a new generation.

After the service had finished we went round to the cafe, bought koeksisters and samosas and head round to Joe's. This afternoon there was going to be a big picnic in a park for everyone at the church, apparently they do it twice a year. So Joe got the braai (bbq) going and started to prepare some meat. I got stuck in and helped Joe whilst Harry entertained Jayden. Joe was sorting a few things so I kept the bbq going, my first braai. Anyone that has ever been to 1 of my bbqs knows I'm cursed, rain, accidents and bbq not working to name a few issues I've had. But it all went smoothly and the food turned out well. While the braai was starting up we tried to jump start our car, it was so close to starting up but unfortunately Joe's car ran out of petrol. Definitely sounds and looks like we have a flat battery. After that I packed up the braai, got changed into shorts and all jumped in to Densels bakkie that Joe was borrowing for the day. 2 in the front 10 in the back.

We arrived at the park and all jumped out, Vinolia served up the food and it was the moment of truth, fortunately the chicken and sausages were cooked well and tasted great. Also Vinolia had made potato salad which also was really good. Food eaten it was onto some games, we took up a large field in the park and there were different games set up everywhere. We started with football and then joined in with the cricket. It was a good laugh and great to be a part of. So thank you to Joe and the Africa family for the invite.

I think the last few days have taken it out of Harry, I'm sat here writing this blog and all I can hear is snoring coming from his room, it's not even 8:00 yet. Oh well nice lay in tomorrow followed by some final souvenir shopping and possibly going round to see Joe and family. I think the thing we will miss the most about Cape Town will be the time spent with those guys. They've welcomed us in and made this trip easier for us. I think Harry will agree with that. Mentioning leaving this is our last full week in Cape Town. I am looking forward to getting home and seeing everyone but it's started to feel weird to thinking we will soon be 'outta here'. 

Before I go happy Easter everyone I hope you got lots of chocolate eggs and had a nice long bank holiday weekend.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Day 72 & Day 73

It's been a busy few days and that's why you're getting 2 days in 1 for the first time since we've been out here. I sat down at midnight last night as I wanted to keep up with the blog a day but was just too tired.

So Day 72
Yesterday we were invited round to Danielle's for Good Friday lunch with her and her family. It was a bit windy but for us it was still quite warm. Apparently from Easter weekend the weather starts to decline and isn't so nice. But we were told to bring swim stuff as they had a pool and even with the wind we were still hopeful of a nice cool dip in the pool. The journey started badly as our sat nav decided it was a bank holiday and therefore it would take the day off, to be honest we've had it for 2 months and this is only the second time it's come out of the box and neither time has it worked. Oh well we wrote down the directions as it looked straight forward and just crossed our fingers hoping we didn't get lost. To be honest it was really straightforward and we managed to get within 5 minutes without getting "lost" and to be fair we weren't lost we were just on the wrong part of the right road, we thought her turning was at the beginning of the road but it was nearer the middle. We were told to arrive for 12 but like all normal South Africans by about 12:20 we were the only 1s to have arrived, we had turned up at 12:05 and apparently we were early. That's African time for you. 

Everyone was so nice and friendly and the food was amazing. We had 3 types of fish, tuna, hake and yellow tail, with hot cross buns, we both looked at each other slightly confused at the idea of fish and hot cross buns together but apparently it's the norm out here. I must admit it was nice. The pickled fish was so nice, I'm not the biggest fish fan, but it won me over. Pickled fish is fish that is prepared 2 days before serving, pickled and then left until served. 

We then sat down with the family to watch films, it was really chilled and it was good to relax. We didn't go for a swim as the wind picked up but we were both pleased as we appreciated the chance to sit down and enjoy the company of Danielle and her family. We had cake and popcorn and we're really spoilt. If you're reading this Danielle thank you so much to you and your family it was much appreciated. We had been planning for ages to go round and spend time with them but with everyone being so busy we didn't get round to it. It's a shame as we both really enjoyed ourselves and we only have a weekish to go now. After watching a few films it was time to go. Danielle had to drop off her mum in town round the corner to us and invited us to come round on our way back for tea. We accepted and we then spent time with Danielle, her mum and her daughter. We were spoilt again with food, Harry had soup and I had lasagne. We were also given a cup of tea, it was like a herbal tea, I forget the name but aapparently it's a traditional South African tea. It was really good, bit different but good. We then ended up watching another film before heading back to Berghof. Harry went straight to bed while I spoke to the girlfriend for a bit. Really good day and a great way to spend Good Friday. Hopefully be able to arrange seeing them again before we leave.

Everyone keeps saying come see us before you leave and we are going to try to fit in as many people as possible in this last week. We need to spend time with and try and make time for the Africa family, people at the learning centre, visit Silvertree crèche, see Adnan and the Drommedaris teams, Densel, Rosie, Selwyn, Danielle and Azille. I've probably missed people out that we need to say goodbye to, without these people and many more our trip could have been so much different they've all helped us along our way, and we thank them for being here for us.

Day 73
We had planned to go to the Metropolitan cup with Densel today but up until about 8 yesterday we hadn't spoken to him, fortunately he phoned and told us to get to his for 8, 8, on a Saturday morning. We arrived at his house and he invited us in for tea and breakfast, he offered us the same South African tea as yesterday, weird how we've gone 10 weeks not knowing about it then had it 2 days in a row. We finished eating and headed to Belhar, where the tournament was being held. It was only a short drive but wasn't helped by the fact our car wouldn't start. Our little Tazz is very temperamental so we left it at Densels took his car and hoped it would work later. We arrived and it was really busy loads of teams and spectators. We headed over to the pitch where Swansea City were competing, it was a South African tournament with pro, semi pro and amateur teams from all over South Africa, I don't quite know how Swansea, from Wales managed to enter. Anyway as we stood there you could have easily mistaken it for a Sunday league game back home, wind and rain and quite cold. Swansea drew 1-1 with Stellenbosch university, not a bad game. We watched a few games until Densel suggested going to watch the Arsenal-Liverpool game round his friends house. We stopped off on the way to get a giant Gatsby which fed four people for roughly £2.25. It was so nice, it's a roll filled with chips and chicken, with a bit of salad and sauce. We then sat down to watch the game, we sat with Densel, his friend and his friends son, all of which were Liverpool fans. This made it even more important we played well. Thankfully 3 goals in 8 minutes and a final result of 4-1 meant we could sit there quite smug. Densel wasn't too happy with the result, but offered to take us out for food. We went into town for a curry which was really nice, but the portion sizes out here are huge and even Harry couldn't finish his. You looked at me and Harry and you'd be surprised but I'd say he has a much bigger appetite than be but he has a much better metabolism, some people are so lucky. Good day so far.

We'd had 2 really good days up until this point. We returned to Densels to find our car just wouldn't start. So with the help of Joe and Densel we towed the car to Joe's and had to leave it there for the night. I'm hoping it comes back to life overnight, don't really fancy going the last week without a car. Might have to take the keys to the other company car for our last few days, just don't tell Joe. Thankfully Densel offered to give us his car for the evening, as we were going to Joe's first thing tomorrow anyway we could just drop the car back in the morning. Then sort out lifts/our car tomorrow.

What a way to end a good few days. It's annoyed me but obviously there's not a lot we can do. I just like the freedom of having a car there, I hate depending on other people for lifts etc.

So that's what's been happening the last few days. We have been well and truly looked after and spoilt. We've eaten so well it's unbelievable. I'll need to find that gym membership when I get home. Tomorrow we will be into single figures of days left. I can't quite believe it. We are off to Joe's church as he has invited us a few times but we've been busy and we thought as its Easter it should be good. I haven't been to a church in years, this should be interesting. Joe's then invited us out with some friends after. Should be another good day.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Day 71 week 11 2nd April

Today was the start of our 11th week. Only 1 more Wednesday and 1 more Thursday to go. We started the day by quickly driving to Silvertree to drop something off for Joe and then headed to the learning centre for 8:30.

On our arrival we went straight into the hall to set up for today's activities. Today we were doing some Easter activities for the local crèche. Around 60 3-6 year olds turned up. We had 3 different sections, but first we sang happy birthday to 1 of the boys and Harry told all the kids the story of Easter. Me, Harry and Azille took a section each, we split the group up into groups of 20 and they visited us all once. Harry had egg painting, Azille had colouring in and I had a normal crèche session. I had the task of dealing with them letting out all of their energy after sitting quietly painting and colouring. It was hard work but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. I love seeing the little 1s enjoying themselves,my heir little smiles at that age are adorable.

You'll have to read Harry's blog about the egg painting but my part was a bit chaotic. The first group just wanted to run riot and I had 1 disruptive kid that didn't make it much easier, I tried a lot of different games but none seemed to reach out to all of the kids. For the 2nd and 3rd group I switched to what I knew best, our movement game, with a twist. We started off doing bunny hops and chickens keeping to the Easter theme, I then just switched it to any animal that I or the kids could think of. There were some funny 1s coming out, 1 girl suggested a zebra, I don't know about you but I'm not to sure on what noise or movement best represents a zebra but I went with it. It worked really well and the kids enjoyed themselves. I finished up with an Easter train and moved them on. 

We finished up by handing out 'bukkies' (bowls) with chocolates and sweets in. The kids loved their little Easter treats and we walked them back to their crèche. I don't know if the teachers will be happy with them eating all the chocolates and sweets when it comes to nap time but hopefully we wore them out a bit anyway. When we got back into the office Lourens called us into the office. He seemed really pleased with what we had done which was nice, his 2 daughters had taken part and they enjoyed themselves as well which was good. He then started showing us the photos he had been taken, I have to admit the majority were of me, I was wearing my yellow Arsenal top and I stood out a bit, but he managed to catch me bunny hopping, lion roaring, penguin walking, chicken dancing and doing a funny hop. I'll keep those embarrassing photos to myself for now. 

We then just sat around the learning centre, chatting to people and just lazing about. Everyone was finishing up for a long weekend for Easter so everyone was a bit more relaxed. I uploaded some photos and that was the extent of my work. Harry helped put up some posters. And after a little while we headed to Drommedaris. We were greeted by all our little 1s, they were soon hanging off of us, giving us big hugs and telling us all about what they'd been upto. We will really miss all these kids we've met, I've enjoyed the clubs and schools but the little 1s are the hardest to say goodbye to. We went into the centre and tidied up the library that Joe is making for them, someone has donated loads of books for the kids and Joe is making an old store room into a library.

We then headed to the Italian club for possibly the last time. We are trying to organise going down there next week to say goodbye to all the Drommedaris boys and girls but nothing has been planned as yet. Onto today, we had a session with the boys, as it was Easter we didn't expect many kids and in fact only 8 turned up. We decided that we would just have a kick around, this would count towards mine and Harry's little match scores. It was our closest, most competitive game to date. Harry had to win and you could tell, he took the lead early on, I cleared 1 off the line when it looked like a certain goal and both teams were playing well. Harry was always that 1 or 2 goals ahead and whenever we got into the game he still had that 1 goal cushion. Me and Harry put our bodies on the line and both ended up seeing stars, a clash of heads, totally accidental caused a short break in play. After that we pushed everyone forward in search of an equaliser, unfortunately Harry's team caught us on the break a few times, it's the point in the game where it's better to lose by 3 than lose by 1 and not go for the equaliser. We lost by 3 or 4 in the end, most of them coming in the last 3 minutes. It mean we are all tied at 5-5 going into next Friday's last session. We will end the De Beers coaching clinic with a game, our fate is in the hands of a group of 8 year olds. We've both agreed that due to our competitiveness we will be on the touch line for that game. It's coach v coach. To be honest I've coached these kids before and they are your typical 8 year olds. Give them a ball on a pitch and every single player follows the ball. So we might as well just flip a coin in my opinion. 

So as I said we now have the weekend off and we start by going to Danielle's house for lunch tomorrow, we've only seen her 3 times since weve been out here which is a shame, but everyone has been so busy and fitting in meeting up has been difficult. Oh well a nice catch up tomorrow.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Day 70

We've had a really nice day today. We took our last ever crèche session in Cape Town which didn't go as well as expected, the kids seemed over excited, they were doing Easter stuff before we got there so I'm guessing the thought of chocolate eggs was probably the cause. After our movement games and then some soccer where the kids passed us the ball we said our good byes gave high 5s and that was us done. We quickly said hello to the 2 and 3 years olds, had some photos with the staff and left. 

We headed into town to Mikes sports shop, Harry had been given some money that his girlfriends family had raised and we were going to use it to get the Ruyterwacht girls their own kit. Girls football has picked over here and it'll be nice to see them have their own kit. We managed to get 10 tops with logo, numbers and team name for less than £100. Bargain we thought. Unfortunately with all the printing it'll take about 3 weeks to get sorted, but hopefully Joe will take some photos and send them over.

On our car journey back to the learning centre we discussed our time in Cape Town and the conversation turned to language. Forget the Afrikaans for the moment. For anyone visiting Cape Town and specifically for people talking football to a Capetonian here are a few English words and there translation: 
Robots = Traffic Lights
Circle = Roundabout 
Togs = Football boots
Takkies = Trainers
Sloths = Flip flops
Chips = Crisps
Soccer = Football
There's probably more but they are the 1s I can think of, the first time I was driving Lourens told me to turn at the robot, I missed my turning and drove on long looking for an actual robot. We then discussed how people switch between English and Afrikaan and how it's difficult to pick up the language when they use both languages in the same sentence sometimes. I think there's about 12 different variations as well in South Africa depending on where you come from. Thankfully the majority speak at least some English.

After stopping off at the learning centre we headed to Wesbank, if you have read my blog before this is the place with the cows and the 1 ball. Great bunch of boys that unfortunately have been dealt a bad hand. They are in 1 of the less fortunate areas and many play football in old clothes and no boots/trainers. Today we weren't here for a session but instead we were there to hand out boots and kit donated by people back in England through Harry's mum. She had done a great job and we had so many pairs of boots, tops, shin pads, socks and shorts to give out. It was so nice seeing these boys faces when we gave out the stuff, so much excitement and they were so greatful. When deciding where the stuff went me, Harry and Joe were unanimous in decision, we decided that Wesbank would be the most needy and most deserving and seeing these boys faces we definitely made the right choice.

We took loads of photos I'll put a few on here, they also sang us songs which we got videos of. We left and as we drove away every boy had a big smile on his face. It's nice to help these boys out, but it's a shame that this is just 1 team of 1 club. If people just saw what we saw today I'm sure so many people back home would donate even more stuff. I know we have charities back home that send money over here and a lot of people are wary of sending money as they don't know where it goes, and there is corruption out here and money isn't used in the right way but if this sort of thing was pushed I think it would make a lot of boys over here happy. The passion for football is definitely here, if you give these boys boots and kit they then want to play football more which should lead to them having more chance of staying out of trouble.

After Wesbank we headed to Ruyterwacht to train with the boys, not a great session just a kick about with some of the boys. But again a really nice group of boys and we enjoy doing it,

Nearly finished all our coaching, where has the time gone?

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Day 69

This is our final week of coaching and we are winding down a bit. But today we had a new crèche. We only have 1 session with them but it was 1 Joe wanted to do as it was in his old area and had fond memories of. We had 2 groups a 4-5 year olds and a 5-6. The first group was slightly smaller as it's the start of the holidays so some parents have taken their kids away. Both groups we did our usual movement game followed by passing the ball around a circle and finished with our hello friend game we came up with. The 2nd group were louder and more active and whilst passing the ball in a circle I found a few would intentionally drop it and start kicking it. After them continually asking for soccer I gave in and let them kick the ball and pass it to me etc. Joe and Harry decided they'd copy me and it worked for all 3 groups, which was nice. Lots of shouts and high 5s and that was us done. We sat in the sun drinking some juice the teachers had given us whe we saw a few little 1s wondering out. The baby class had come out to have a look around and me and Harry were more than pleased to play, pick up and give the little 1s a cuddle. They were 2-3 year olds and were so cute, it was really nice, the teachers pointed out 1 of the girls, apparently she isn't sociable at all and they were shocked that she came to me and wanted to play ball. Kids obviously just love me.

After lots of photos with various members of staff we were off, we dropped Joe off and headed back to Berghof. Joe phoned to say we needed to get to our last session of the day for 6 and not 5 as 1st thought. So we had a few hours to kill, Harry had lunch while I rested my eyes for half hour. Then after checking emails and doing a few bits and pieces as well as getting the room cleaned we left. We had a rough idea of how to get there as we had been a few weeks ago but we weren't 100% sure. It was All Stars, the club we coached a few weeks ago. The under 15s that we had before were our favourites so far and we were looking forward to testing them with some more difficult drills. Unfortunately we had the under 12s, still a good group of boys and were of a good standard but they weren't advanced enough to do what we had planned. Oh well, we did a skills corridor type activity which worked well which was good. We finished with a game and that was it another day over with. We ending up talking to 1 of the coaches for half an hour and we had a good chat about English and South African football which was nice.

Tonight we had planned to go back to Yindees the Thai place we went a few weeks ago. We were supposed to go on Saturday but didn't because of my ankle. It was amazing again, and reasonably priced. I had a nice chicken curry and Thai noodles. We finished our food and headed back to catch the 2nd half of the England v Italy game, we look awful and Italy are basically playing a B team. I don't know how you can start with a midfield 3 of Jones, Delph and Henderson, I'm slowly going off Roy Hodgson. We managed a 1-1 draw but it wasn't a match to remember.

Tomorrow we have our last crèche session in Cape Town, it's quite sad really. In 2 weeks time we'll be up in the air, I'm going to miss this place, but I can't wait to get home. Tomorrow we are also handing out kit that's been donated to kids in a township we have worked with so I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Joe worked it out that we have met or interacted with at least 2000 kids during our time here, that's crazy. The countdown continues.

Monday 30 March 2015

Day 68

In 2 weeks time we will be saying all are goodbyes and packing are bags ready to leave. These last 10 weeks have flown by, and as much as I'm looking forward to going home and seeing everyone again I will miss Cape Town. Today was our day off and we were invited by Lourens to go on a little trip, we haven't spent much time with him or Wasima and it was their way of making sure they spent some quality time with us before we leave.

We met them at 9am inside Cape Town station where we would find our train and take the long journey to Simons Town. Now we had an excuse for looking slightly confused by the station and the train times etc, we may have been here a while but we aren't locals yet, after some discussion between the 3 of them they decided on which train we needed to take. The train to about 90minutes, it took us past Newlands cricket and rugby stadiums and then past some other places that had great views. We got off the train and started walking into the town. We a hotel called the British hotel which made us think of home, for some reason we started talking about tea and scones and it was decided that we would find a nice cafe to have a traditional English scones. We found a nice place that did different cakes and pastries, all five of us went for scones with jam and cream and a nice cuppa. I do miss a good cuppa, I don't know if it's the teabags, the milk or the water but it's just not right out here. Anyway it was really nice and the scones were huge and really filling. We then walked on a bit and found Arsenal street so we felt even more at home. Lourens and Wasima had decided we would go to Muizenberg (think that's how you spell it) for some lunch. Simons town is a really nice area and there is a British feel to the place, I don't know why, maybe it was just the hotel and scones but to me minus the mountain you could easily have been walking through an old town back home. Simons town also has a museum, a navy base and is home to the penguins that we visited before so I can see why it might attract the tourists.

We got to the station and our train was waiting for us, you think the London Underground is unreliable then you should try the Cape Town metro rail. I think the locals would agree. So it was nice to see the train there. We made the short trip down the coast where we then got off and went for lunch. Wasima chose a nice place by the beach. Lots of surfers and people going in the sea. Apparently sharks swim these waters so I'll give that a miss. We all had a nice meal, I think Lourens was disappointed there was no fish and chips on the menu but we enjoyed the food. We finished up and headed back. 

After waiting half an hour for a train we found a seat and got comfortable, some more than others, Harry took the opportunity to have a little nap. The residents at Berghof are rubbing off on him. We arrived back in Cape Town an hour later where we found the car and Lourens dropped us off back at Berghof. It had been a nice day and nice to see Joe, Lourens and Wasima outside of the office. I'd definitely recommend taking the train down that way if you were in Cape Town. Some great views and beaches. A return ticket only costs £1.50 as well so not bad.

Back to work tomorrow and we have our 2nd from last crèche session. I've really enjoyed the crèches and after Wednesday they'll all be over. The count down is really on now.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Day 67

As I said yesterday today has been our lazy day. A day of recovery, a day to rest my ankle. We didn't go out last night, I could barely walk and to be honest after a nap and some painkillers I wasn't up for the pub and didn't fancy a sit down meal. Harry was tired as well so I think he was happy with that decision. 

With not much happening today I thought I'd take this opportunity to have a look back over the last 9 weeks. The coaching and the work side has been great on the whole, the times round Joe's will also be memories we will keep. But yesterday we completed our 'must do in Cape Town' list. We still have a few touristy things planned but our list, we did actually write out a list, has all been crossed off.

From the top left clockwise:
*Hout Bay
*The Waterfront 
*2 Oceans Aquarium 
*Sea Point 
*Boulders beach
*Aquila Safari
*Red Bus Tour
*Robben Island
*Cape Point/Cape of Good Hope
*Cape Town Stadium
*Lions Head mountain 
*Signal Hill - Noon gun
*Table Mountain 

Day 66

I'll quickly start with last night. We went round to Joe's had a really good evening playing games and talking to some of the guys from the local community and generally had a real good laugh. Joe then decided to bring out the karaoke, I don't do karaoke for 1 simple reason, I can't sing. Some of the girls and Vinolia were really good, and even Joe sang a bit. It was a nice chilled out end to the week.

Today, I was up early to check on the mountain, because today would be the day we were walking up table mountain. The last few mornings have been really cloudy and we were both already making other plans as to when we could do it. But to our surprise a nice clear day. Azille had offered to show us the way and she picked us up just after 9, unfortunately her husband couldn't make it as he was busy with work.

I found table mountain a lot easier to climb than lions head, it's basically steps the whole way up and quite simple. We finally made it up in around 90 minutes, great time I thought. When you get to the very top there's a shop selling food and drinks and other bits. I thought this was quite cool, you don't expect a shop at the top of a mountain. We got something to drink and headed across the top of the mountain for about 45minutes to the highest point. It was so calm and peaceful and I could have sat there for hours. It has some amazing views and it was worth every last drop of sweat and bit of pain walking up the mountain. We then headed back to find our way down we agreed to walk it and not get the cable car.

Whilst walking along quite a flat bit of the mountain I managed to trip and fall, twisting my ankle. Quite painful but luckily I had a strap in my bag to add support. I was determined to make it down by foot. The walk down felt like it took forever but was roughly the same length of time. Unfortunately my ankle gave way half way and it feels as though I may have sprained my ankle just what I need with 2 weeks left.

We made it down and back to the car, what an amazing experience. You really get a sense of achievement on completion, specially when you walk past everyone going up by cable car. Proud of myself today, was 1 of those moments that'll stay with me for a long time.

Back we came, bath and get ready. We were planning on going back to Yindees for food then onto Mixas but all depends on whether I can walk. 

Tomorrow is a lazy day which is nice, a whole day of nothing.

Thank you Azille for today, and thank you Cape Town for having a mountain with such an amazing view.

Friday 27 March 2015

Day 65

Today we started with our intensive computer workshop. We had put our 4 day course into 1 long day. It lasted from 9 to half 2 with a few breaks throughout. It went quite well, better than our 4 day course. Unlike our Thursday course everyone seemed to get the hang of what we were showing them it just took them a little while. 1 guy was really good and understood it all, he just couldn't control the mouse and couldn't find the letters on the keyboard, he was in his 60s and had never used a computer before. I was quite impressed, also this class had a bit more character, they were a lot more chatty than on a Thursday.

We finished the class and everyone was really greatful which was nice and it was good to do something that could impact on people's lives. We were then joined by Selwyn and Densel, together with Joe we traveled to Parrow. There is a football league set up here on a Friday evening by 1 of Joe's old friends and Joe had asked us to go a long and do a session. We did a nice shooting session followed by very speedy speed ball. South Africans don't shoot, we've found that out, so we decided that each speed ball game would be 1 minute long, we then increased it to 90seconds and it was no surprise that we only saw 2 goals. 

Tonight we are off to spot night at Joe's. His monthly community get together. Which is why I'm writing a bit earlier today. It should be good and I'll tell you about it tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow we are hiking up Table Mountain, but we have said if the weather is poor we will go up in the cable car later in the day.

Harry Selwyn Ricky Me

Thursday 26 March 2015

Day 64 week 10 26th March

Today we started with our 3rd of 4 computer classes. Again we had to start with hardly any of the class, I'll never get used to African time. This weeks lesson was using the internet. In our class we have a girl that quite easily gets through our classes and we think she is only there to put it on her cv, and then we have an old lady that just doesn't have a clue about computers. We were supposed to get into depth about how the internet works and what it all means, but we thought we would be more practical and show them how to navigate themselves around the internet, how to use a search engine and how to use YouTube. Pretty basic stuff. To be honest it was quite a short class today and we really just gave out the basics and let them explore. All of them seemed to manage it quite well and we wrapped it up around half 10. After a quick discussion with Lourens and helping him enter a Twitter competition we head to Harry's favourite place in the whole of a Cape Town, a little cafe around the corner that sells koeksisters, the little doughnutty type thing I was telling you about last week. I have to admit they are nice but Harry is slightly obsessed. 

After returning to the learning centre more discussions with Lourens about social media and helping Joe with some work we head to Trafalgar high. We enjoyed our session here last week and was looking forward to today's training. When we arrived the teacher told us that half the boys left because they had to study for exams. We were left with a mix of boys and girls so we decided just to start a game, me and Harry joined in to make it 6v6. Long story short Harry won and it is now 5-4. If the match was won on most step overs, most attempts at beating an opposing player or most shots to go miles over the bar we would have won by loads. Disappointing result. Considering that girls football isn't that big over here it was surprising that the 2 best players on the pitch were both girls. They were miles better than some of the boys. It's quite easy to see why as well, the girls play simple football, work hard and get it right, where as the boys in Cape Town as a whole try to be too flash and ignore the basics, they also aren't too keen on working hard for the team either. I had coaches the girls last week and they were some of the best footballers I've seen in 10 weeks out here. It's amazing what you can do when you work on the basics. No fancy tricks just a simple pass and move, then try and win the ball back if you lose it.

That was us done for the day, tomorrow we have an intensive computer workshop, in other words we didn't have time to fit in 4 days so we are dragging it out over 1 day. Then we are off to see 1 of Joe's friends who runs an action soccer league just outside Ruyterwacht. We might be putting on a small session but are mainly there to get the kids excited we've been told. We then have spot night round 2 at Joe's in the evening.

Looking at our schedule there isn't much left to go. We have 2 crèches Greenlands and Silvertree, we have a session with All Stars, Drommedaris and Ruyterwacht and we have an all day soccer clinic with De Beers. We have trips to the Drommedaris and Bothasig complexes for Easter activities and we have a day with Maja and Sunflower crèches doing Easter activities as well. Saturday we hope to go up Table Mountain, Monday we are going out with Joe and Lourens for a trip to Simons town so they can spend some time with us before we leave and we also have an opportunity to go to the Ajax Cape Town training ground. Also next week we are back to Wesbank to had out some boots and kit to the boys down there. Where has the time gone 9 weeks down 2 and a bit to go.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Day 63

I'm going to quickly start today with a few photos that have been taken recently or I've just found. Also a chance for you to put faces to names.
From left to right Lena, Joe, Azile, Harry and myself 

Harry, Joe, Jayden, Vinolia and me

Jodi Yonick Harry and me again 

I'd also like to mention I've now had 1200 views on my blog!! I can't believe it, but I hope it's been a good read so far.

Onto today. Apparently summer over here is coming to an end and it'll be getting cooler, but today it wasn't far off 30 degrees and the weekend will be just as warm. These guys are worried about it dropping below 20, they don't know what a real winter is. 

This morning we quickly picked Joe up and headed to Silvertree crèche, 1 of our favourite places to visit. Again they were singing and dancing and even remembered our names. We taught them Arsenal chants this week which they enjoyed and then we went on with our movement game. I know you're thinking we do it far too much but it's important at this age, specially when they have difficulties understanding us to not confuse them with too many activities. The movement game is a great starter, they are learning and they are getting used to us at the same time. All was going well, until I sat down with the kids, I sat on what looked like some sort of ants nest, with little nippy ants and flying ants, they got everywhere and I've been biten to pieces and am still itchy now even after a shower. Oh well. The kids were great and the school gave us some cake which was really nice. We then finished up and headed back to the office.

We had 1 afternoon session today at Harold Cressey which is just around the corner from where we are staying. Joe didn't seem too positive about this school and even after phoning them up he didn't fill us with confidence. Over here it is exam time and the teacher had canceled last weeks session, this week we go along and 8 boys turned up. We understand that it's exam time but every school has the same issue and they make the most of the opportunity. Some of the boys mentioned they thought it was tomorrow and I got the impression and I think Joe did as well that maybe the school didn't really do enough to give the information to the kids. It's frustrating, you can do a session with 8 boys and we still did, but when you see guys like Wes Bank that are so excited and overly appreciative, or Mondale high that send there boys along on time and that want to learn, to be at a school where they didn't seem as interested and the boys didn't even really know we were coming is just disappointing. Obviously it's not the boys fault but I feel they didn't benefit as much as others might have, and because of that they are likely to miss out on this opportunity next time around. I'm not saying we are anything special but we come wearing the Arsenal badge and is a chance for schools to generate interest for their kids and they missed out on that today. But you can't fault their hospitality, lots of cool drink and food after for us and the boys which was appreciated.

Just a quick mention Harry's team won, it's now 5-3, less said about that the better.

We were going out tonight for food but after cakes at Silvertree, coming back to find we had been bought a steers burger (Harry had 2) at the learning centre and then having food at Harold Cressey we were full up. We may go out later but this heat has taken it out of me. Early start tomorrow for part 3 of our computer workshop, how to use the Internet, this is going to be interesting.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Day 62

Today we were back at Greenlands crèche for our 2nd visit. Last week they were a bit all over the place, we had loud kids, we had quiet kids and we had disruptive kids. Quite challenging. Add in the fact that again the majority of kids either didn't understand our accents or English at all it wasn't our most successful crèche. However the 1st class are in the running for cutest group of kids. As they walked out every kid gave me a big hug and then Harry. Then when we were giving out high 5s at the end they wanted hugs instead. So nice and makes up for how difficult some of them were. We did the same with all 3 groups. The movement game followed by relays. Some got it really well and managed to dribble the ball, others struggled running backwards and forwards in a straight line. We had a bit of fun with these groups getting them to sing Arsenal chants and get them to stand like numbers. Just different things that are simple enough but that they can understand and concentrate on.

We then had a slow drive back to the learning centre, me and Harry aren't big cricket fans, but today we joined in with the country listening to the cricket World Cup semi final between South Africa and New Zealand. In a tense game South Africa lost with the 2nd from last ball. Like I said we aren't big fans of cricket but it would have been interesting to see the atmosphere on Sunday had they reached the final.

After stopping for lunch and sorting some bits for Azille we headed over to Mitchell's Plain. We were back at Mondale high. We were really impressed last week and decided we'd do the session we used at All Stars, quite difficult but we thought they'd get it, we also just wanted to go through it again and iron out a few issues we had with it. Unfortunately the Ajax boys and a few of the better players couldn't make training this week and we could have done with them to help the others. Another issue was they were all kitted out in navy blue and sky blue, difficult to distinguish between teams. We did a pressing drill followed by the transition drill. They did okay but bibs or different colours were needed. We learn from it and move on. Great group of boys, not bad footballers and alright equipment.they all wanted photos with us which was nice.

I'll definitely miss the photos with the older kids and hugs from the little 1s when I go home. Moments like that I'll keep with me. To these boys and girls we are probably the closest they will get to somebody from Arsenal and I hope we have had a positive impact. If you had told me this time last year I'd have 30 5 year old South African children giving me a giant group hug I'd have laughed it off. It's been a great experience for moments like those.

Tomorrow we are back at Silvertree crèche, 1 of our favourites followed by a new high school. It's an early start but I'm looking forward to it.

Monday 23 March 2015

Day 61

2 blogs today. The wifi was so poor last night, my iPad that hardly fails me couldn't even connect. To anyone coming here get a sim and data package. It cost just over R150 for sim and 1GB data. That's about £8. EE offered me 25mb for something like £6. So much cheaper over here and lots of stores to get it from, I'd recommend Vodacom, Vodafone, Cell C apparently has poor signal.

After last night I went and got myself a sim today. I had put off getting 1 as the wifi has been ok, but after the frustration of last night and last week I've given in. It cost R160 for 1GB.

Anyway onto today, today we became tourists again. We had planned for a while that today we would go over and see Robben Island. It was 1 of the must do things of our trip. We woke up, got ready and headed to the bus stop. We arrived at the waterfront where we would catch the ferry. We bought our tickets which cost R280/£14 which we didn't think was too bad. We slowly made our way through security then onto the boat. 

If you haven't read Harry's blog from yesterday he didn't manage to get in the cage with the Sharks as he was seasick and was feeling too rough. I was slightly worried about getting on a boat with him after yesterday. He assured me he would be ok, but as precaution I made him sit down stairs. The last time I was on a boat I was with Tina and she spent the whole trip hiding away not feeling well and I didn't fancy that again. Luckily everything was fine and we arrived in 1 piece after and hour from the waterfront to Robben Island. As we approached we both said we didn't realise how big it was. 

We got off the ferry and walked down to a coach that would be driving us around. We drove past a church, a burial site, the homes of the wardens, a rugby pitch and a school. Our tour guide was very friendly and gave us lots of information. She explained that around 150 people still live on the island and it was only in 2011 that the school was closed. The island looks as though it hasn't been touch in 20 years which is nice because we really got a feel of what the place looked like and it hadn't just been done up and made into a tourist site. It's crazy to think what actually happened on this island and in South Africa as a whole. People being locked away for years for not carrying an ID card or for being in groups of more than 5 people. We stopped off to look at the view of Cape Town from the Island and then went around to the quarry. 

We finished our tour with a stop off at the high security prison, we were taken around by 1 of the ex prisoners here. It was a little hard to understand him but he gave a nice little tour. He had stayed here for 5 years for protesting against Afrikaans being the main language being used at his University. He took us to his cell where he shared the room with up to 60 people at 1 time. 2 showers a week and with only cold water. He told us he slept on the floor and showed us the food they were given. Apparently the black and coloured prisoners were treated differently to try and cause unrest between the 2 groups. The coloureds were given better food and extra clothing. We both said how difficult it must have been for him to come back here but he said for him it was part of the healing process.

Apparently Nelson Mandela who's cell we visited, and other leaders told the prisoners to forgive the wardens that were beating them and starving them. It really is unbelievable some of the stories you hear. Everybody speaks highly of Mr Mandela and he seemed like an inspirational man. People have different views on what has happened and what has been left. It's not for me really to give an opinion, I've been here for less than 9 weeks, I can only base opinion on what people say. It seems like people are happy with the freedom that Mr Mandela helped fight for, but maybe things haven't quite turned out the way they'd hoped or as quickly as they would have liked.

We finished up or tour and headed back to Cape Town. We had a nice day and it's definitely something I'm pleased I've done. It doesn't quite have the wow factor in the sense of wow this is a nice place, but it does make you think.