Thursday 9 April 2015

Day 78 week 12 9th April

It's starting to feel like home time. We've sorted our seats on the plane, we've said some goodbyes and I've started some packing. Only 4 full days to go. Today Harry also found out his next placement, he's off to Singapore for just under a month. As much as I've enjoyed my experience out here it's time to be home. Maybe 1 day I'll go abroad and work but for now I want to be in a country I know. 1 of the main things I've experienced out here is community spirit and the importance of helping out those around you, which is why as appealing another trip would be, I want to go home and work on those around me. But well done to Harry and good luck to Dan, I'm joking obviously I know you 2 are going to have lots of fun, and it's Singapore that needs all the luck I don't think they will quite be ready for these 2.

We started off today with our final computer workshop, only 4 people turned up. Today was how to use email and setting up an address for those that didn't have one. 3 out of the 4 already had an email address and 2 out of the 4 already use and understand how to use emails. Fair to say it was a very short class and we dragged it out as best we could. I've lost count at how many emails I've sent and received today.

With that over we went to Diep River, we visited around 2 months ago and the older tenants were so funny and so much fun we've been bugging Joe for a return. It's a complex, so lots of houses and apartments fenced in with security all around. It's supposed to be for anyone but the majority of its residents are retired. But nothing like those at Berghof. We had a real laugh and they even got us cool drink and cake, it was really nice. They even prayed for us to have a safe journey home which was nice, as I've mentioned before I'm not overly religious but you don't have to be to appreciate what they did. We were then challenged to a game of pool, me and Harry vs Joe and one of the older men, safe to say we underestimated the man and nearly lost. But I make that England 2 (pool and cricket vs Yonick, Jayden and Jodi) South Africa 0. We then said our goodbyes and got loads of hugs off the old ladies, they even have a photo on the wall of us from our last visit which they showed us on our way out. That was it for the day, 1 working day to go. It was weird saying goodbye because every day we say another goodbye the reality of going home gets more and more real. It's sad to say goodbye but I can't wait to get home.

We then headed to the learning centre where we had a little chat with Lena and Azille, I think they're going to miss us, well they'll miss the noise at least. We then went to pick up Jodi and went out to watch Fast and Furious 7, great film, sad ending, that's all I'm going to say. 

Tomorrow we coach for the very last time, 3 different sessions with kids ranging from 6-12. It's an early start so that's me done for today. Not many more blogs to be read.

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