Sunday 5 April 2015

Day 74

Our busy few days continued. I can't wait for a lay in tomorrow. We were up and out early as we had to return Densels car to him and then go and meet Joe at church. We got round to Densels early and waited around with him and the kids while they got ready, he then drove us to his church. I'll be honest I haven't  been to a church in years, i have no problem with what people do and do not believe in, but for me I've never really found religion. But I went along for the experience and it definitely was an experience. Joe's church is not your normal church, very lively, very active and packed out with people. It was Easter Sunday so it was quite a big day and people from the church put on a big performance, I was expecting the Easter story but it was more a performance of the troubles the youths in the local area and how they can find themselves on the wrong track. Not a bad performance and a nice service, you can see they are definitely trying to reach out to a new generation.

After the service had finished we went round to the cafe, bought koeksisters and samosas and head round to Joe's. This afternoon there was going to be a big picnic in a park for everyone at the church, apparently they do it twice a year. So Joe got the braai (bbq) going and started to prepare some meat. I got stuck in and helped Joe whilst Harry entertained Jayden. Joe was sorting a few things so I kept the bbq going, my first braai. Anyone that has ever been to 1 of my bbqs knows I'm cursed, rain, accidents and bbq not working to name a few issues I've had. But it all went smoothly and the food turned out well. While the braai was starting up we tried to jump start our car, it was so close to starting up but unfortunately Joe's car ran out of petrol. Definitely sounds and looks like we have a flat battery. After that I packed up the braai, got changed into shorts and all jumped in to Densels bakkie that Joe was borrowing for the day. 2 in the front 10 in the back.

We arrived at the park and all jumped out, Vinolia served up the food and it was the moment of truth, fortunately the chicken and sausages were cooked well and tasted great. Also Vinolia had made potato salad which also was really good. Food eaten it was onto some games, we took up a large field in the park and there were different games set up everywhere. We started with football and then joined in with the cricket. It was a good laugh and great to be a part of. So thank you to Joe and the Africa family for the invite.

I think the last few days have taken it out of Harry, I'm sat here writing this blog and all I can hear is snoring coming from his room, it's not even 8:00 yet. Oh well nice lay in tomorrow followed by some final souvenir shopping and possibly going round to see Joe and family. I think the thing we will miss the most about Cape Town will be the time spent with those guys. They've welcomed us in and made this trip easier for us. I think Harry will agree with that. Mentioning leaving this is our last full week in Cape Town. I am looking forward to getting home and seeing everyone but it's started to feel weird to thinking we will soon be 'outta here'. 

Before I go happy Easter everyone I hope you got lots of chocolate eggs and had a nice long bank holiday weekend.

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