Saturday 4 April 2015

Day 72 & Day 73

It's been a busy few days and that's why you're getting 2 days in 1 for the first time since we've been out here. I sat down at midnight last night as I wanted to keep up with the blog a day but was just too tired.

So Day 72
Yesterday we were invited round to Danielle's for Good Friday lunch with her and her family. It was a bit windy but for us it was still quite warm. Apparently from Easter weekend the weather starts to decline and isn't so nice. But we were told to bring swim stuff as they had a pool and even with the wind we were still hopeful of a nice cool dip in the pool. The journey started badly as our sat nav decided it was a bank holiday and therefore it would take the day off, to be honest we've had it for 2 months and this is only the second time it's come out of the box and neither time has it worked. Oh well we wrote down the directions as it looked straight forward and just crossed our fingers hoping we didn't get lost. To be honest it was really straightforward and we managed to get within 5 minutes without getting "lost" and to be fair we weren't lost we were just on the wrong part of the right road, we thought her turning was at the beginning of the road but it was nearer the middle. We were told to arrive for 12 but like all normal South Africans by about 12:20 we were the only 1s to have arrived, we had turned up at 12:05 and apparently we were early. That's African time for you. 

Everyone was so nice and friendly and the food was amazing. We had 3 types of fish, tuna, hake and yellow tail, with hot cross buns, we both looked at each other slightly confused at the idea of fish and hot cross buns together but apparently it's the norm out here. I must admit it was nice. The pickled fish was so nice, I'm not the biggest fish fan, but it won me over. Pickled fish is fish that is prepared 2 days before serving, pickled and then left until served. 

We then sat down with the family to watch films, it was really chilled and it was good to relax. We didn't go for a swim as the wind picked up but we were both pleased as we appreciated the chance to sit down and enjoy the company of Danielle and her family. We had cake and popcorn and we're really spoilt. If you're reading this Danielle thank you so much to you and your family it was much appreciated. We had been planning for ages to go round and spend time with them but with everyone being so busy we didn't get round to it. It's a shame as we both really enjoyed ourselves and we only have a weekish to go now. After watching a few films it was time to go. Danielle had to drop off her mum in town round the corner to us and invited us to come round on our way back for tea. We accepted and we then spent time with Danielle, her mum and her daughter. We were spoilt again with food, Harry had soup and I had lasagne. We were also given a cup of tea, it was like a herbal tea, I forget the name but aapparently it's a traditional South African tea. It was really good, bit different but good. We then ended up watching another film before heading back to Berghof. Harry went straight to bed while I spoke to the girlfriend for a bit. Really good day and a great way to spend Good Friday. Hopefully be able to arrange seeing them again before we leave.

Everyone keeps saying come see us before you leave and we are going to try to fit in as many people as possible in this last week. We need to spend time with and try and make time for the Africa family, people at the learning centre, visit Silvertree crèche, see Adnan and the Drommedaris teams, Densel, Rosie, Selwyn, Danielle and Azille. I've probably missed people out that we need to say goodbye to, without these people and many more our trip could have been so much different they've all helped us along our way, and we thank them for being here for us.

Day 73
We had planned to go to the Metropolitan cup with Densel today but up until about 8 yesterday we hadn't spoken to him, fortunately he phoned and told us to get to his for 8, 8, on a Saturday morning. We arrived at his house and he invited us in for tea and breakfast, he offered us the same South African tea as yesterday, weird how we've gone 10 weeks not knowing about it then had it 2 days in a row. We finished eating and headed to Belhar, where the tournament was being held. It was only a short drive but wasn't helped by the fact our car wouldn't start. Our little Tazz is very temperamental so we left it at Densels took his car and hoped it would work later. We arrived and it was really busy loads of teams and spectators. We headed over to the pitch where Swansea City were competing, it was a South African tournament with pro, semi pro and amateur teams from all over South Africa, I don't quite know how Swansea, from Wales managed to enter. Anyway as we stood there you could have easily mistaken it for a Sunday league game back home, wind and rain and quite cold. Swansea drew 1-1 with Stellenbosch university, not a bad game. We watched a few games until Densel suggested going to watch the Arsenal-Liverpool game round his friends house. We stopped off on the way to get a giant Gatsby which fed four people for roughly £2.25. It was so nice, it's a roll filled with chips and chicken, with a bit of salad and sauce. We then sat down to watch the game, we sat with Densel, his friend and his friends son, all of which were Liverpool fans. This made it even more important we played well. Thankfully 3 goals in 8 minutes and a final result of 4-1 meant we could sit there quite smug. Densel wasn't too happy with the result, but offered to take us out for food. We went into town for a curry which was really nice, but the portion sizes out here are huge and even Harry couldn't finish his. You looked at me and Harry and you'd be surprised but I'd say he has a much bigger appetite than be but he has a much better metabolism, some people are so lucky. Good day so far.

We'd had 2 really good days up until this point. We returned to Densels to find our car just wouldn't start. So with the help of Joe and Densel we towed the car to Joe's and had to leave it there for the night. I'm hoping it comes back to life overnight, don't really fancy going the last week without a car. Might have to take the keys to the other company car for our last few days, just don't tell Joe. Thankfully Densel offered to give us his car for the evening, as we were going to Joe's first thing tomorrow anyway we could just drop the car back in the morning. Then sort out lifts/our car tomorrow.

What a way to end a good few days. It's annoyed me but obviously there's not a lot we can do. I just like the freedom of having a car there, I hate depending on other people for lifts etc.

So that's what's been happening the last few days. We have been well and truly looked after and spoilt. We've eaten so well it's unbelievable. I'll need to find that gym membership when I get home. Tomorrow we will be into single figures of days left. I can't quite believe it. We are off to Joe's church as he has invited us a few times but we've been busy and we thought as its Easter it should be good. I haven't been to a church in years, this should be interesting. Joe's then invited us out with some friends after. Should be another good day.

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