Friday 10 April 2015

Day 79

Today was our last day of work. We were up early to see black clouds and rain on the window. Not a good start. We headed down to Somerset West where we were going to coach the De Beers boys again. We were supposed to have 3 groups but because it was school holidays and some of the kids had gone away on holiday so they had 2 groups instead. The first group had under 7s/8s/9s the second had under 10s/11s/12s. Before I get onto the coaching, if you are a frequent reader you'll be aware of mine and Harry's ongoing bet of who can win the most games. We went into today level at 5-5 and had decided that with 3 games there had to be an outright winner, now there were only 2 games we decided we'd have an aggregate score as this would have more chance of getting a winner, 2 legs, no away goals.

Onto the coaching. The younger 1s were up first. We had a quick warm up followed by a line tag game, and then a pairs tag. We then tried out domes and dishes which worked quite well, with and without a football. The session went so quickly and it was onto the game, I hate not being in control and having the result of a 12 week bet in the hands of 7 year olds left me nervous. We picked teams and then using 2 cones I let Harry decide who had which team. It was a nervy game and Harry's team were dominant. The main problem with these age groups is it doesn't matter how hard you work on positioning they will follow the ball and you are left with a big crowd with the ball in the middle. Thanks to my man of the match defender and our goalkeeper this tense 1st leg ended 0-0. 

We then had the older group we started off with a skills corridor which ended up taking up the majority of the session. We started where they could dribble anywhere impressing us with different skills. We then had them lined up going through the corridor doing different tasks. We ended with me and Harry passing a ball through the corridor and they would have to keep their head up and avoid the ball as well as each other. We had about 19 kids and decided we'd end the bet as a draw and instead play a 3 team speedball. But their coach said that we could use the bigger pitch and play 9 a side, it was as if he knew. So the 2 teams were set up, 1 team had an extra player and an under 13 so we both were hoping to draw that team. Again I let Harry pick using cones, he got the team with the extra player. I had led by 3 wins, but now going into the final decider with the scores 0-0 Harry had the upper hand. I gave my last team talk and found out I had 2 keepers, 1 defender, 1 midfielder and 5 strikers. This was going to be a challenge. I went all out, played an attacking formation and went for the win, I had the odds stacked against me and if I were to lose I was going to go out fighting. The first few minutes passed and Harry's team were using the extra man and had a few good chances. But out of nowhere my attacking players broke away and forced a corner, from that corner we scored from an own goal!!! 1-0. I wanted to celebrate but kept my cool and kept professional as we always do. Harry's team kept pressing for the equaliser but every time they lost the ball my team were so quick to break away. And they were finally rewarded with a second. 2-0, with 3 minutes to play, surely it was all over. Harry's team still had 2 or 3 good chances but the game ended 2-0. I was victorious. But to be honest i probably had 3 of the best players on the pitch on my team and Harry's teams seemed scared of 1 particular striker that apparently plays in the age group above. It's nice to beat Harry but well done to the boys great session and a pleasure to coach.

After training 1 of the guys, Charles that works at the club offered to take us out for lunch, we were going to eat at their clubhouse but it was closed so he offered to take us to a nice little brewery close by. They sold lots of local beers all with weird names. Charles recommend a few but then offered to get us a tasting tray. I'll put a photo at the end but you get 4 mini glasses and can choose what beers you want to try. They were all quite different and actually really nice, all were brewed locally as well which was nice. He also treated us to some food, we sat and chatted for a while and it was a shame we had to head off as he was a really nice guy to chat with. But we had our last 'Arsenal Activity' of our trip to get too and not only did we not want to be late but didn't want to go smelling of beer. Just a quick reminder Martin 6-5 Harry.

This afternoon Joe had organised a trip to the RedCross children's hospital, it's the only child specific hospital in Southern Africa. Harry had asked for this trip, he had an accident as a child which left him burnt and scarred. He wanted to visit the children's burns ward as he wanted to see it for himself but also knew what it meant to the kids. Azille came along and so did Joe, we went around and saw lots of kids as young as 2 covered in burns and scars. It was a sad sight to see and I couldn't imagine how it feels for them or their parents. Some of the kids were quite shy but others were happily moving about which was nice to see. The hospital are doing a great job and the staff were so nice. We handed out sweets and chocolates which I hope the children enjoy. I'll be honest I did have to take a step away at 1 point and I felt bad for doing it but it was heartbreaking to think what these guys have been through and not only that but what is still to come. I hope we made even the slightest difference to their day. 

We had to leave quite quickly as it was a last minute trip and they didn't have time to let us speak to more kids which was a shame but we left sweets and chocolate eggs for them.

It's been an interesting day, lots of different emotions and weather in 1 day, the rain has now cleared and it is now sunny and warm again. Not sure what the plan for tonight is but tomorrow we are off out with Azille and friends which will be nice. Works over. No more coaching. And incase you missed it I beat Harry 6-5. Sorry I'm a bad winner but I'm sure Harry would have been exactly the same.

My team on the back row. Final score 2-0. Martin 6-5 Harry

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