Thursday 29 January 2015

Day 8 week 2 29th January

So today started week 2 of our Cape Town adventure. Days are going quickly even though it feels like ages since we left. Me and Harry have agreed that even though we are here for such a long time we need to sit down and make some kind of list of what we want to do just so it doesn't get to the last week and realise there's loads to do. Anyone that knows me knows how I like to be organised so I'm pleased Harry agrees with me on this. 

Today was another quiet day, we weren't in until late today so decided we would catch up on some sleep have lunch and go out after. We were woken up by a knock on the door from Elizabeth, she just wanted to check if we wanted any meals today. To be honest it was probably time to get up anyway, so we got ready and went for a walk as we had a few hours to kill. Apparently it was 28 degrees today,  I'd say it was definitely higher than that as we built up a sweat just walking down the road. Both of us are pleased we haven't burnt yet as that could stop us from getting out and ruin a few days but we are both a bit disappointed with are tans, as we are acclimatising we have tried to stay out of the sun for large parts but we're here for long enough it'll come.

So we had our lunch at Berghof which wasn't too bad, I'm going to be honest and I apologie if I upset anyone but we are in a retirement home the food is aimed at the elderly residents which is fine but I could do with some proper home cooked food. If anybody is reading this that is thinking of doing this programme or has been placed here in Cape Town with Arsenal the food is ok but if you're abit fussy it might not be for you, but no need to worry 5 minute walk away you have 2 pizza places, a Thai restaurant, a Nandos as well as other pub/restaurant places.

Onto our 1st coaching session of the day at the Bothasig complex, Joe had mentioned that football wasn't that big here but we were to put on a session anyway. We had a look at the area yesterday with Azille which was small but when we got there they decided to play on the bigger field instead. To be honest me and Harry hadn't planned too much for this group, after hearing they weren't big football enthusiasts we decided a simple passing based game with a defender in the middle, similar to 'piggy in the middle' or 'doggy in the middle' as they call it out here would go down well followed by a 'match'  it wasn't just a match there were different rules and a goal would only count if it was passed through for example. Me and Harry decided to get involved with the games, over in London you're told not to get involved in games etc but firstly the kids wanted us to and secondly if they won the ball off us or got past us you could see it gave them a boost. The football out here is of a good standard and considering the heat and the fact that some play barefoot some play in flip flops you wonder what they could do if they had better equipment, kit and facilities. 

After we finished we went off and sat in on a meeting with Joe and 2 other guys involved in the league run by Communicare. We will probably play a part in the running of the league while we are out here, there's also plans for the opening of the Ruyterwacht circle which I mentioned yesterday. 21st February is the set day for the opening and I hope everyone turns out for it. Joe and the community have worked hard to fix up the circle and it deserves a big opening. We then went to visit the team that Joes son plays for, kick off was supposed to be at 5:45, at 7:30 there was no sign of the other team so me and Harry decided to call it a day, we've now been given a sat nav, which should have come in handy as the club was in a new area that we hadn't been to before. Unfortunately it took forever to find a signal and we had already found our way onto the right road before it decided to work. 

After getting home late we went down the road for a Nandos, just under £3 for a chicken burger, 1 side and a drink, not bad, then a quick stop off at Mixas for a pint, at £1.40 a pint a nice cheap evening. That's all for today.

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