Friday 23 January 2015

Day 2

After an early night and a long sleep we both were feeling a lot better this morning. We were told Joe would meet us at our apartment for around 10 am. We woke up nice and early giving us time to have a walk around and speak with some of the residents before we had to meet with Joe. We were told yesterday just because they're in a retirement home doesn't mean they're your stereotypical old person and if we are here for 3 months we aim to make an effort with them. Whilst talking to a few of them we saw the first sign that things are a lot different out here, the gardener had a ladder leaning against a tree whilst he balanced on it trying to cut the branches down. If this was in England health and safety would go mental, it's difficult to describe but we were getting a bit nervous for the man as we watched on.

Joe arrived and we sat about discussing the programme and the next 3 months. We then went for a short drive through Cape Town to the Communicare office where we were introduced to everyone, which was really nice. We sat down with Joe, Lourens and a few others and spoke about who we were and what we did etc. We were then taken to the train station, the bus stop and other parts of the town.    It doesn't feel like we've come that far when you walk down a street that has a KFC a Nandos a Woolworths and a Burger King. We were taken to Burger King for lunch which is nice, we are being looked after really well here and we are really thankful.

We then took a short drive to the Brooklyn area and to one of the offices down there. Once away from the main part of the town we pulled into a petrol garage, thinking we were refuelling I didn't think much of it until they said "ok get out your turn" my first experience of driving in South Africa. Just think London but with more people just walking out and crossing where they like, we were told we were really lucky, Luke and Jeff last year didn't get use of the car and had to struggle with public transport. Once we arrived we were again introduced to everyone and had photos taken with some of the people, everyone is so welcoming and friendly. We swapped numbers with a guy called Conan who is a big Arsenal fan and another really friendly guy who has offered to take us out to watch some games and show us around. 

Our final stop was at the learning centre, we are told this is where we will spend most of our time. Some great facilities and I'm looking forward to helping out. 

Tonight South Africa play in the African Cup of Nations so after dinner we are planning on heading out and watching the game. We mentioned earlier that we plan on going down to watch Arsenal with the Cape Town fan club to Joe and Lourens, apparently the last time they were in there it was a bit rough, lots of swearing, but because I'm from Dagenham I'll probably fit in because I'll be used to it. We'll see how that goes.

Lourens and Joe if you read this thank you for today, the welcome from everyone has been so nice, I can't wait to see what the kids will be like.

I've left out the PonJoe but you will hear about that soon.

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